Or believe me

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I knew that she wouldn't believe a word I say about her brother.

At first I thought it was just my distrust for him that was making me feel like his intentions were not pure.

But David was being weird. He looks at me lustful. Sometimes he just stares at me up and down while biting his lips lost in thought.

He comes into Becky's room very early in the morning without even knocking, hopefully to see me naked.

And once, he almost opened the bathroom door while I was inside.

Although he claimed that he thought Becky was the one inside the bathroom, he wouldn't have gone into the bathroom without knocking if it was his sister inside.

He was being a bit secretive with his actions at first but now he was becoming very open about it.

He gets physical with me but he makes it seem friendly to others but I know his real intentions.

I confronted him a week ago and threatened him that I would tell Becky what he was doing.

But David said;

"Do you really think Becky would believe you over me? I know that she loves you but I'm her brother.

I'm her blood. She would never believe a word you say.

If you tell her that I have ill intentions towards you, it would only lead to more problems between the both of you.

I'll just play the victim. And tell Becky that you're accusing me of something I'll never dream of doing.

Seriously Freen, do you really think that Becky would believe you over me?

Don't flatter yourself. Becky still trust me more than she trust herself.

I promised Becky a long time ago that I'll never lose to my little sister and I stand by that promise.

Freen, if I can't have you, Becky can never have you either.

I'll destroy your relationship with Becky if that's the last thing I do on earth.

Freen, you better give up on Becky because I'll make her hate you more than she hates the devil.

If you tell her about my intentions, she won't believe you and I'll use that to drive a wedge between the both of you.

So you better just shut up your mouth and be the good little girl that you are.

You seriously don't want to make Becky sad by telling her that her brother, her mentor and source of inspiration is a monster. Do you?

How heartbroken do you think Becky is going to be?

Freen, just be a good lover and shut up. Okay???"

Thinking about what he said, made me realize that he was right. And so, I decided not to tell Becky anything about David.

It's true that whether I tell Becky about David or not, Becky will be hurt by it.

So I just looked for a way to get David off my back without hurting Becky.

I tried to convince her to go back to Chidlom with me but she refused. She thought I hated her family but David was the problem.

He was becoming worse with each passing day. The intimacy was becoming too much.

I couldn't bear being in the house with him especially when Becky is not at home.

Freen&Becky (I need you more than I want to) S2Where stories live. Discover now