I want a future with you

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The past has been buried in the past and Becky and I continued living.

We returned home to Chidlom and life was going great.

Sometimes I see Becky sad. She misses her family and wished that they'd accept our relationship but her mother and brother were being too stubborn.

They didn't want to accept the fact that we make each other happy.

So we just had to leave their presence so as to be happy.

We have gone through a lot together. I left my mother when she didn't accept our relationship and Becky also left her family for me when they were against our relationship.

I got into a life-threatening accident because of Becky and she left everything and everyone and went to strange country because of me.

I really love Becky. She has gone through thick and thin for me. She has cried lots of tears because she loves me.

She was there for me at my worse. She has been with me when it mattered the most.

She makes me happy and brings out the best in me. Who else will I want to spend the rest of my life with, if not Becky?

I can't picture my world without her in it. When I look into my future, all I see is Becky.

I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I want her to know that she is most important person to me in the world.


It was the premiere of "WHAT IS WRONG IS RIGHT " Becky obviously was my plus one to this event.

Kao was also there but I kept a little bit of distance from her.

I wasn't totally avoiding her but just enough distance to make Becky comfortable.

I didn't want anything or anyone to come between Becky and I. So I did my best to keep my girl happy.

All the cast of "WHAT IS WRONG IS RIGHT" were invited on stage for some interviews and so I left Becky and went on stage.

When it was my turn to talk about everything that happened during the shooting of the film, I walked down from stage to the audience and brought Becky on stage.

She was confused and so was everyone else. She wasn't a cast of the film, so everyone wondered why I was bringing on stage.

"What are you doing Freeny? You know that I'm not suppose to be on stage with you right?" Becky said been all confused about what was happening.

I didn't say anything. I was panicking and my heart was beating so fast.

I didn't know if she was up for it but I know that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I wanted her to know that I no longer want her to be my girlfriend but my wife.

And so I brought out the ring from my purse and went down on one knee.

"REBECCA PATRICIA ARMSTRONG, will you marry me?"

She was very surprised, speechless and so happy at the same times. She didn't know how to react.

"YES! YES!! YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!! Freeny, I'll marry you" she screamed and jumped in excitement.

I was really happy. I put the ring on her finger, I got up and kissed her, after which I hugged her tightly.


"I love you more FREEN SAROCHA CHANKIMHA" Becky replied, hugging me more.

There were lots of happy screams, cheers and happiness.

It was as if everybody forgot about the film been premiered and just concentrated on Becky and I "the newly engaged couples"

It was all over social media. The story of our engagement went viral and was all over the internet. People kept on calling and congratulating us.

Finally, Becky was no longer my girlfriend. She is now my fiance.

I can't wait to put a ring on it and make it official. I can't wait to be REBECCA PATRICIA ARMSTRONG'S wife.

My family and friends set up a party to celebrate with us. My mom was really happy for me and Becky. I just wished her family was also here with us to celebrate.

I was the happiest person on Earth from the moment she said "YES" to my proposal.

I can't believe she really making me  her partner for life.

The engagement party was in a week. All preparations had been made and all  invites have been sent out.

But I had two more persons to invite and that was Mrs Yeol and her daughter, Suzy.

I wanted them to come celebrate with Becky and I because they played a huge part in solidifying my relationship with Becky in Seoul, South Korea.

It's been a while since I talked to Mrs Yeol. Her number is never reachable. it's like her number had been cut off but I still try reaching her all the time.

A week to the engagement party,  I called her severally but her number was not reachable.

I kept on calling her daily until a day to the engagement party and still, her number was unreachable.

That night, I recalled that I had another person number living in the MI-DEUM BUILDING and so I quickly looked for the number.

It took me a while, but I finally saw the number on my contact list. I called this neighbour and I was informed that Mrs Yeol's sickness became worse after Becky and I left Seoul.

She was admitted in an unstandard hospital and she died three weeks ago.

"What about Suzy? where is she? what happened to her?" I asked the neighbour.

"She was taken to an orphanage I guess. She never returned home after the death of my mom because she had no relatives.

Her mom left "right of guidianship" to you but since there was no way to get to you,  Suzy was sent to an orphanage home or maybe a foster home. I don't really know." The neighbour explained.

I can't believe Suzy has been alone for three weeks now. I promised her mom that I would take good care of Suzy.

I called from time to time to check up on Mrs Yeol and Suzy but with everything that happened with Becky's family back in Bangkok, I concentrated on consoling Becky, thereby not thinking deep into Suzy's case.

I called them from time to time but I wasn't too bothered about the fact that Mrs Yeol's number was always unreachable.

I can't believe Suzy has lost her mother and she has no one to comfort her during this dark days.

I promise Suzy and her mother that I was going to take good care of her, provide for her and make sure that she is never sad.

But I wasn't there for her when she needed me the most.

I was restless all through the night. I called all my contacts in South Korea trying to get information on Suzy's whereabouts but I found nothing.

Early the next morning, without informing Becky, I got some clothes and my passport and rushed out of the house.

I took a taxi to the airport and went to Korea in search of Suzy. Forgetting that that was the day of our engagement party.

To be continued...

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Freen&Becky (I need you more than I want to) S2Where stories live. Discover now