Our third wheel (part one)

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Everything between Becky and I have been cleared. She was going for therapy and it was helping.

I drove her to most therapy sections and picked her up afterwards. But my schedule was becoming really tight.

I was needed for filming almost all the time. And so, I spent a lot of time away from Becky.

It was getting close to the end of shooting "WHAT IS WRONG IS RIGHT" and my attention is needed almost all the time with the crew.

Sometimes, we go days filming without going back to our various homes to rest and this caused some argument between Becky and I.

Not the fact that I was always away but the fact that I was always with Kao.

She doesn't want Kao and I to be close to each other but we're friends. I can't just stop talking to Kao because Becky insisted.

I have always reassured Becky that Kao and I are just friends but she still wanted Kao away from me.


We had to go out of town for five days to shoot the last part of the series and I shared a room with Kao.

We could have separate rooms but we decided to stay together.

She was a really good friend of mine and spending time with her amounted to so much fun.

During those five days, I talked to Becky whenever I wasn't busy filming. I didn't bring up the fact that Kao and I were Sharing a room because I knew how Becky would react to that. So I just kept it to myself.

On day three, Becky facetimed me while Kao was in the bathroom. I was backing the bathroom door with my phone facing me when suddenly, Kao came out of the bathroom.

She was all wet and tying a towel around her chest exposing every part of her thighs.

It didn't matter to me neither does it mean anything to me because I wasn't attracted to Kao but the moment Becky saw Kao half naked in the same room with me, she freaked out.

She thought I was cheating on her.

"What is she doing in your room Freeny?" Becky asked even though I could see it in her eyes that she had already jumped to conclusion.

"Freeny I asked you a fucking question. What the hell is that bitch doing in your bedroom at this time of the night and dressed like that?

Is that water dripping down her body? Is she wet? Was she in your bathroom?

What happened between you two that warranted her to take a shower in your bathroom?

Freeny!!! Are you ignoring me while I'm talking to you?

I asked you a question. What the actual fuck is that bitch doing in your bedroom?"

She was on fire. She wasn't even giving me a chance to explain myself.

"Becky calm down and listen to me before you jump to conclu..."

"I'm not jumping to anything. Becky cuts in.

"I only asked you a question. If I had jumped to conclusion, I won't be asking you WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!!!" she roared from the phone

Alright Becky listen. Kao and I were..."

"Oohhhhh!!!!!! So there's now a Kao and you? After you told me that there was nothing going on between the both of you, now there is a Kao and you.

Freeny I forgave you. I was hurting from what you did but yet I forgave you and this is how you repay me?

By cheating on me with that bitch who can't find her own woman and leave my woman alone?" Becky kept going on and on without letting me explain

She won't listen to a word I had say and just hung up. I called her back several times but she wouldn't pick up my calls.

"Becky, please don't be angry. Kao and i were assigned to be in the same room. She wasn't in my room, she was in our room.

Please don't get angry. Nothing and absolutely nothing is going on between Kao and I." I texted this to Becky seeing as she was ignoring my calls but still she didn't respond.

I stayed up all night trying to get Becky to talk to me but she was too furious to talk to me.

"Go to bed Freen" Kao said

"You can try calling her tomorrow. Maybe by then her anger would have subsided and she'll listen to you.

You're exhausted from today's work and you have a lot coming up tomorrow. So please just go to bed and hopefully get some sleep.

We have a hectic day ahead of us tomorrow. Come!!!! lie down here. Okay?" Kao tapped the bed signaling me to come lie down next to her.

I was worried about Becky but Kao was right, I needed rest because my body was really really tired from the day's work.


The next morning, I called Becky really early because shooting was about to start and I might not get the opportunity to call her again until evening. But she still didn't pick up the call.

That same afternoon, in the process of filming, Becky showed up at our location.

I was surprised and happy to see her but that look on her face, clearly states that she had come for war.

To be continued....

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