The Sorting Hat

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Sara's POV:
Luckily the train ride went relatively smoothly after the 'incident' earlier. I still don't get Pandora and Regulus' problems with James and his friends. I listened to everything mother and father said but none of it is making any sense to me.

To be honest, I don't get a lot of the things that they say even if I do pretend to understand them. I'm once again following Pandora except this time to the boats. I'm put into one with Dora, Regulus and this other girl, Jacky. She seems nice but very bubbly. I really hope we become friends.

I'm checked my uniform over again as we wait to walk into the Great Hall. People surrounding me were speculating how you get sorted even though it seems pretty self explanatory. Some one said about a troll which only freaked me out more. Hopefully, whatever it can be easy.

We walk in and I try to stay close to Pandora. I look around the hall at the different tables. At Gryffindor, I see James and his friends looking bored of the ceremony even though it is only just starting. At Slytherin, I notice Evan looking mildly interested. Though he is probably just wanting to find out the new Slytherin students.

A comes along and I hear "Arnold, Jacqueline", the girl on my boat earlier. It only took seconds for the hat to yell out "HUFFLEPUFF."

I can only hope that it will be that simple for me. Then my turn is here. "Rosier, Sara" is called by Professor McGonagall just after Pandora who is quickly Slytherin. So, I nervously walk forward. It scares me that everyone can probably see me shaking right now.

I sit down and the hat is placed on my head. Nerves run through my blood as I try to calm myself when I hear an old sounding voice say, "hmm, another Rosier. Interesting". I pray to the Gods that only I can hear this voice. "Brave, very brave but loyal to a fault. You wish for Slytherin, yes?" The voice continues.

The mutters continue for several minutes and all I can muster myself to think is "slytherin, slytherin, slytherin" on repeat when finally the hat says, "now I know where you are much better suited for......"

I can see the students whispering among themselves. I'm going to be a hat stall, I just know it. I've only heard of them before but I never imagined I'd become one. The hat finally yells out "GRYFFINDOR."

I nearly faint on the spot at having Gryffindor called after so many words to be a Slytherin have been said to me since birth. I wander over to the table adorned in red as I notice James clapping but I can't even muster a smile at the moment. I'm scared of how my parents will react when they find out. I look to see Pandora and Evan with frowns on their faces. I'm screwed, aren't I?

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