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Sara's POV:
I packed up a small bag quickly and grabbed myself pyjamas. I really can't believe I am actually going to do an sleepover with Jacky Arnold. As I walked out of the common room, I get stopped by James and his mates. "Where you going firstie?" Sirius asks, putting his arm around me. I roll my eyes, he's so annoying when he calls me that.

"Actually, I'm going to have a sleepover with my friend" I say, knowing I am going to at least be a few minutes late because of them. "Whats the name?" James questions further. I sigh, the questions won't  stop but I should at least try hurry them up. I finally reply "Jackie, a Hufflepuff."

"Before you say anything more. I need to go so that I'm not late" I say, moving away from them. "See you around, Sare Bear" James yells from behind me so I give him a quick wave and smile to myself as I think of all the things I will do night with Laura.

I walk up the stairs to the astronomy tower, my bag in hand. I wonder what we will be doing. I stop in my tracks at the tops of the stairs when I see lights and games set up everywhere and a huge pile of blankets. "This is awesome, how come you did all this?" I ask.

"Because it's our first official hang out and I really like you" Jacky explains as I sit down. "Maybe with some of the blankets we could make a fort" I suggest, looking at the huge pile of them. "That would be wicked. Let's start now" she says, excitedly.

It only took us half an hour to make the fort. By the end, it actually looked really cool. "Hey, when we're you thinking we could change into pyjamas?" I ask. "We can now if you'd like" she offers and I agree, going into the fort to change. As comfortable as I am with her, I don't like the idea of changing infront of anyone. I put on a pair of striped pink shorts and t-shirt as she changes outside of the fort.

"What game do you fancy first?" Jacky asks, "I have a list if you're not sure" she continues, smiling at me. "You can choose, you set all this up" I suggest. She agrees and chooses truth or dare. I've heard my roommates play it but I was never invited. I pick truth and Jacky ask if I've ever kissed anyone and at that point I can't stop myself from blushing. "Yeah" I say, quietly. "Wait, really? Who?" Jacky questions.

I'm nervous but answer nonetheless. "James Potter" I say, not even looking at her anymore. She suddenly begins laughing. "You kissed James Potter? I knew it. He's always talking to you. That's so cute, are you dating?" Jacky says. "No, to be honest, his friends barged in so we acted like nothing happened and I haven't mentioned it since" I explain.

"Ok, now you pick truth or dare" I say to her. "Dare" Jacky says with a grin. "I dare you to...." I have to stop and think for a second. What is a good dare? I ponder. "I dare you to jump in the black lake" I say, smiling now. "Ok, can I grab a towel?" she asks. "You know we could just do a heating spell, right?" I suggest, having learnt about them as a kid.

"Do you know any?" she questions, one of her eyebrows raised. "Yeah, it was one of the first I learnt when I got a wand" I explain. Before going to Hogwarts, my parents had all of learn a certain amount of basic spells so that we would be ahead. I don't think it helped that much though.

At this point she actually gets up and we make our way silently down to the Black Lake. I look at how cold it looks for a second. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I question. Jackie let's put a short laugh, "I'm not giving anyone the satisfaction of me backing out of a dare. There is some reason I was nearly sorted into Gryffindor."

I prepare by getting my wand out for when she comes back. Jackie takes a few deep breaths before running head first and jumping into the water. There is a lot of splashes when suddenly it quiets down but she isn't out of the water yet. I feel myself panicking as I drop my things and run towards the water.

Suddenly I feel myself being grabbed and pulled into the lake. I let out a scream just to hear a few laughs from above the water, clearly coming from Jackie. We manage our way out of the water after a small struggle. I can feel her shivering as well. My nose keeps twitching from the cold as I look for my wand.

Luckily, it was in the same place as when I'd dropped it. I perform a drying spell hurriedly. "Maybe we should go back up?" Jackie suggests and I immediately agree as I'm still cold from the outer temperature.

We make our way back up just to run into James and his friends. I've noticed they call themselves the marauders but I assume that is meant to be a joke. "Hey firstie, what are you doing up? Isn't it past your bedtime?" Black says and I roll my eyes at him. Jackie let's put a small laugh, "let me guess your babysitter let you stay up late?"

"Why I didn't know you learnt to talk yet, what's next you learn how to walk? Are you sure that's legal, firstie?" Sirius continues. Before either of us can respond Remus interjects. "Sirius, behave. Y'know they ain't that much younger. Just because you are now a second year means nothing."

I nearly laugh out loud at this sight. Remus telling off Sirius. The cold is still evident on me and my nose twitches again. I try to ignore it but it's obvious enough that everyone can see it happening. Peter turns to us this time as James turns to Sirius to say something. "What have you guys been doing?" he asks, politely whilst sending us a small smile.

"We are just doing truth or dare" I respond this time. "That sounds fun, who's go is it now?" James inquires. "My go next" I respond, sending him a smile. He walks towards me and leans close as I hold my breath, "truth or dare, bunny."

I couldn't fainted at how close we were. I look towards his grin and respond "dare, jamie". "I dare you to kiss the hottest person here" Sirius interjects with a smirk before James can respond. That was when the realisation that he'd told them what happened hit me.

Giving him a sickly sweet smile, I turn and kiss Jackie on the cheek. Then give Sirius a slight glare. "Maybe we should head back up" Jackie suggests and I agree. "Bye bunny, see you around" James shouts behind us.

"What just happened?" Jackie whispers as she leans into me. I think for a second. "No clue" I respond. That was really weird. Why would James call me bunny? I turn to her, "let's just continue with our night."

And that was what we did. That evening we ended up doing shots with the toxic waste. We had a mini dance party. We stayed up until 4am. We'd made a blanket and pillow fort. Jumped into the Black Lake. At some point we even played a prank on Filch. It was fun to say the least. To be honest, it was probably the most fun i've ever had.

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