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Sara's POV:
It's finally Halloween and I can't wait to just spend the night drinking and having some fun. Of course I did promise Jamie that I would be responsible about what I'm drinking after the last few incidents. Honestly I think in the right situation I could hold alcohol well but when it's a party and I'm not paying much attention then that is when it gets out of hand.

Jackie had already gotten her costume months ago to match with some of her other friends so a few of us had decided to go as police and prisoners. Marlene and I are the prisoners whilst Mary and Lily wanted to be the police. Even though we are getting ready together, we wanted to make sure we had enough time so makeup and hair is together but costumes are separate.

The outfit:

I give myself a minute to make sure the costume is right before walking down to their dorm

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I give myself a minute to make sure the costume is right before walking down to their dorm. It's a basic costume but hopefully I look good. I've recently gone off dresses so I was thankful to have a costume without one.

I walk into their dorm and see them trying on their costumes. They all look gorgeous and I feel myself smiling at the sight. "Sare, we've missed you, where'd you go today?" Marley yells above the music, running over to hug me. "I've just felt sick but I'm good now" I reply with a huge smile.

At last we are all ready to go to the party. This year it is being held by Ravenclaw which I'm happy for as they apparently hold the best parties in the castle. We are on our way when he run into James and the boys who are also in costume.

Sirius is a vampire, Peter is a zombie, Remus is a skeleton and James is, of course, a police officer. This always happens when we don't talk about what costumes we are wearing and then we accidentally match. I know this is going to set Rebastian off. Anything involving Jamie does.

"You look good, firstie, doesn't she look good, prongs?" Sirius says whilst laughing at our accidentally matching costumes. "Shut up, black" Mary snaps at him which makes him go quiet quick. The mention of his family name always makes him go really quiet even if he pretends it doesn't bother him.

We all walk into the Ravenclaw common room and everything is already in full swing. In the corner, I can see Rebastian and some of his friends, they are all drinking whatever is being served and looking annoyed at all the people dancing.

I go up to grab a punch when Rebastian pulls my attention. "Oi, Sara" he yells over the music. I roll my eyes in response but still go in his direction. "Looking fit, maybe tonight's the night, y'know" he says, I can't tell if he's joking or not but based on his smirk I disagree.

"Not quite, Lestrange" I say with a polite smile before grabbing a drink. I take a few sips but before I can go back to my friends, Rebastian is asking to dance and I'm agreeing for some bizarre reason.

The party is packed and almost suffocating. I try to ignore this feeling of drowning as I dance amongst the people. This has been happening since last year and I don't know how to make it stop. It's seems never ending.

Slowly the night winds on as I ignore a pain in my chest. I don't know what's wrong with me but honestly I don't care. I'm trying to be a better person and thats what matters right now.

I move away from Rebastian and decide to find the girls. I find Lily dancing already and she pulls me with her to the dance floor as the music plays loudly. I love nights like these, they are always fun.

The night seems to move quickly and soon enough, we are making our way back to Gryffindor Tower as a big group. I'm laughing about something or the other with James' arm around me as he mock dances.

Everything is so natural yet at the same time everything hurts. God, I miss life being this simple. No family stuff, no school stuff, just being kids together with no worries.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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