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Sara's POV:
Summer was absolutely terrible. The first two weeks were spent happy with James and the others but then I had to go home and everything went downhill. There was shouting everyday and I couldn't wear the clothes I liked and I had to spend all my time with Rebastian.

The worst part is I was only aloud to write to my friends once a week. The lack of human interaction was killing me and still is. I walk onto the platform with Rebastian's arm wrapped around me, trapping me to him.

Finally, I see James walking with his parents to our meeting stop. He stops and turns to see me but when I go to run up to him when he waves but I'm pulled back by Rebastian. "Where'd you think you're going?" he snaps.

"To see my friend, what's it to you?" I respond, his hand still gripping me. "You can't, you are to stay with me from now on" Lestrange says. I roll my eyes at this before pulling away from him and walking up to Jamie with a smile.

He pulls me into a hug without any words, clearly having just seen my reaction. I look up to him, "Jesus, I've missed you" I say, not moving from his warm embrace. "I've missed you to, bunny" Jamie responds before we stop the hug.

I go to move, my stuff already on the train. "There you two are, how was your summer, Sara?" Effie asks as she passes James his things. "It was good, thanks, how did yours go?" I respond. I know it was far from good once I had gotten back to Rosier Manor but others don't need to know that.

We were finally on the train when the others had arrived. I sat in the corner, my legs draped over James' lap as he draw little doodles on my jeans. I sit across from Peter and ask "you do anything this summer, Pete?"

"Sorta, I went camping for a few days last week but had to spend time with my cousins so it was kinda boring with adults there" he explains. "At least it was alright, yeah?" I say, with a laugh. Peter agrees and we continue talking about whatever.

At some point, I am nearly asleep after spending weeks with only three hours of sleep per night. The diner parties would keep me up until 2:30am and by the time I'd be ready for bed, it was 3am then my mother would wake me up at 6am. To say the least, I am exhausted.

I yawn but try to keep my eyes open. "If you wanna take a nap then that's fine, sweetheart" Jamie says with a smile. "Are you sure? I haven't had much sleep recently" I respond, holding back another yawn. "Of course, go ahead, we'll keep it down, don't worry" he reassures but all I can manage is a small nod.

James' POV:
It had been a bit since Sare had fallen asleep and I'd gotten the guys to lower their voices. "Did you guys notice anything different about her?" I say, trying to keep my voice down. They agree with this before continuing to talk.

"I think she's lost a lot of weight, I remember that jacket on her and it has gotten way baggier" Remus points out. Peter says with a small gesture to her back, "when she got up to put something in her bag, I noticed her top go up a bit and I could see marks on her back like scar marks, I'm worried about her after this summer."

"Yeah, I tried to talk to her at a dinner party a few times but she was always dragged away by Lestrange, it was like she couldn't even talk to anyone because of them all" Sirius explains. I hear her stir in her sleep and so turn to play with her hair which always calmed her before.

"I'm just worried, a few months ago she had a letter from her parents and she hasn't seemed the same since" I tell them. "I'm just scared that something is happening and we don't know about it."

"Maybe we could ask her, it's probably stupid but what if she was willing to talk to one of us" Peter suggests as we continue talking about what could be done to help her. I turn to Sara just as she wakes up from her nap because of a jolt on the train tracks.

She looks around in shock when I decide to ask her. "Hey, bunny. Is everything okay with you? I mean like, has anything changed about you since July?" I ask, hoping for a real answer but scared of what is happening to her.

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot but I lost the five pounds from last year" she says, as if losing weight is a good thing. "What do you mean?" Padfoot asks in confusion. We all share a look before she begins to answer.

"Well before summer, you'd called me thumper and I realised that when I'd put on about four-five pounds, it was obvious but I've lost it over the summer" she explained with a smile. "Do you mind telling us how much you lost?" Peter asks, as it is very obvious she's lost more than five pounds.

When she doesn't respond, I decide to offer her something else "if you are not fully comfortable then you could just whisper it to me but only because you look really different". This makes Sara agree when she leans in to me.

"About 9 and a half" she whispers with a sigh. "In what pounds?" I check but she shakes her head. Finally, Sare responds with a broken tone, "kilograms".

It may not seem like a lot but considering, she was never big in the first place, this took her down a minimum of one women's size. This now takes her just below 90 pounds and it may not look that bad because of her height but this could hurt her more in the future.

We do move on from the topic but it is stuck in the back of my mind that she is possibly risking her health all because of her stupid family. I hate them for that. They may not realise what they are doing but I still hate them for hurting Sara.

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