Roller Skating

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James' POV:
Sara has been with me for a couple days now and all of them have been fun. We sit in the living room and look out the window, today is the day that the other marauders join us. We are both really excited from what I can tell.

When they are all here, we've made plans to go iceskating. Only me and Peter have gone before as kids so this is going to be very exciting. Since Sara's gotten here, I've been showing her muggle things. I get I am a pure blood but I did grow up with all things muggle so this is my way of introducing her to the non magical world.

We are both dressed warm and ready to get there quick. Mum and dad have booked us out a smaller private rink so that none of us feel embarrassed about falling or whatnot. Just then the doorbell goes and in walks Peter and Remus who live close and got lifts together.

Finally, Sirius arrives. They all put their Christmas presents for each other under the tree and soon we are on our way to the roller rink. I really can't wait especially since Sara got me a pair of red ones so we can practice together. We walk into the building as mum gives our information to the person at the desk.

Lastly, we are in the room and everyone is putting on their roller skates. This is exciting for all of us as most of them haven't been before and this is our first time as a group. Everyone is quickly ready and we are walking into the rink.

I can see my parents sitting on a bench with the camera out, filming this for us. I see Sara wobbling and with a worried expression when getting on so I move towards her. "You okay, bunny?" I ask with a grin.

Sara's POV:
Attempting to look normal for the camera, I slowly and not so steadily get into the rink. Just then Jamie comes over to me and says to me after noticing the poor coordination, "you okay, bunny?"

"I think, I just haven't done this before" I respond, nervously. "C'mon, hold my hand, I'll help you" he offers and that makes me realise just how bad I must look to all the others here. I know Jamie and Pete went roller skating as kids but even Sirius and Remus look like they are doing a lot better than me.

Holding onto James' hand, we wander further into the rink and I realise just how far in I am. My grip on his hands gets more distinct otherwise I'll probably fall and embarrass myself in front of everyone especially the camera.

I finally start to get a hang out it as Jamie helps me move around the rink. I'm still a bit wobbly but I'm doing a lot better now. "You're doing amazing, sweetheart" James whispers into my ear as we feign dancing around.

At that second, I feel butterflies. Do I like James Potter? How could I like him? He's been one of my best friends for years and suddenly I like him. Why am I overthinking this? It's not like her ever like me so why am I questioning this feeling? Maybe I'm just going insane? Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I'm insane now.

For a sweet moment, it feels like it's just us and I cherish the peace until I feel someone flail into us and everyone goes tumbling. I realise that at some point when I was in a blissful ignorance with James, the others thought it would be funny to make a human catapult and send Sirius flying everywhere.

Luckily I end up near a wall and use that to get up. Everyone is scattered around and somehow, James is on the opposite side of the rink and the other boys seem to be all laughing about something.

Finally, we are on our way back when Jamie leans into me and says, "you alright, sweet girl? We all collided pretty hard back there". I could've screamed out of excitement at the pet name but instead I just smile and respond with "yeah, my back hurts a bit but I'm fine. Are you alright?"

"I'm good, I do quidditch all the time and that fling barely compares to the training" he says with a laugh. Dare god, I love his laugh. I guess I always have but something about it just makes me feel calm and like I'm at home.

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