First Day

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Sara's POV:
After the blur that was last night, I hoped to wake up and see green and silver but no. Instead the red bedding is my first sight. I really hoped it would be some crazy nightmare but no, I'm officially the family failure.

I get ready quickly , straightening my hair in haste and walk downstairs to see barely anyone awake yet. I walk to the Great Hall and start to feel dizzy at the sight of the room which probably ruined how my family viewed me. I can deal with being the dumb one but not the outcast.

I sit towards the end of the table, hoping no one will notice me but then James runs into the hall with his friends following him. I pray that he ignores me but instead he takes my solitude as an invitation. The frown is still very evident on my face and has been since last night.

"Morning, Sare Bear" he says, sitting to my right with a smile and putting his arm around me. Sirius is on my left and ahead there are the other two boys. "I realised, we never had a proper introduction. These are Remus, Peter and Sirius" he says, gesturing to each boy before pointing to himself, "and I'm James Potter."

"Hi" I say, unsure of how to act around him as Pandora and Regulus seemed to think they were bad influences but at the same time, they seem very genuine to me. "You liking Gryffindor so far?" James says, before pushing a pancake into his mouth. "It's fine but I'd much prefer Slytherin, no offence."

"I thought you didn't mind what house" he says. "I don't care but unfortunately, my family all do so I'm kind of screwed right now" I respond. Knowing that every word is the scariest truth for me currently.

As I sit with them and try to stomach breakfast, a red head girl walks by and gives me a weird look. I don't know who she is but I can tell she definitely knows the boys or at least used to know one of them. Most likely James based on his turn of the head.

Professor McGonagall walks by and hands each of us a time table of our lessons. I look to see Herbology, Charms, History of Magic, Transfiguration and Potions for today. Before I can check for my other lessons this week, my time table is being grabbed by James.

"Cool, you have Minnie before lunch, I'll come meet you then" he says, looking between our different lessons. I pack away the timetable quick before heading to Herbology so that I won't be late. Luckily I have it with the Hufflepuffs so I don't have to worry about Pandora or Regulus just yet.

I think the lesson went well. I was lucky enough to sit with Jacqueline again, she's really nice and let me work with her. She even did the writing for both of us whilst I did all the practical work. I hope I can sit with her more often. I really can't pay enough attention to the writing parts.

The day was mostly boring until I had to go to Transfiguration with the Slytherins and worst of all I had to sit with Pandora who spent the hour ranting at me about how disappointed everyone is and that according to Evan, our parents don't even want to see me for Christmas anymore.

Professor McGonagall's POV:
I look around at the class. I notice Miss Rosier was struggling with keeping up with the writing. She had no problem doing the spell but she wasn't able to keep up with the writing and was having problems remembering what different enchantments do.

She is in the front row next to Miss Rosier and I thought a friend might help but she appears to loose more energy and seems on the brink of crying if one more thing goes wrong. Luckily at this point, Mr Potter runs into my classroom. I try to hide my shock by saying "Mr Potter, should you not be in lessons right now?"

Everyone stares at this situation, waiting for me to shout. "Sort of, but I'm here to accompany Miss Rosier to lunch" James says, feigning a posh voice and bowing towards Miss Sara Rosier. I notice she held back a laugh and I realise this is what is best for her.  And so I making up some excuse as to why she must go with him.

She packs up her things quickly as Mr Potter takes hold of her hand as they leave. I can tell she needs him around and it's clear she is going to help him as well. Some students make complaints that I let her leave ten minutes early.

Sara's POV:
I sigh in contentment as we walk down the corridor, hand in hand. "You enjoying this, m'lady?" he asks and I'm honest with him, not even thinking. "Yeah, the lesson and Pandora were getting too much for me. Copying all the notes is frustrating but the spells are fun" I say.

"You not a big writer?" James questions. "Definitely not, all the words look mixed together so I can never focus" I explain. He looks to me and says "well, I could always help you if you ever need it, I'm the best at transfiguration in my year."

"Hey, James?" I say. "Yeah, Sare" he responds. "Who was that ginger girl this morning?" I ask, curiosity finally catching me. "Oh, just some girl I used to like that never liked me back" James explains and I nod, getting why he wouldn't want to talk about her.

"Thanks" I said, turning to smile at him. He looks confused at me, "for what? I haven't done anything". I sigh, "for being nice. Most people so far have been rude for no apparent reason."

"No problem, you're cool. I like cool people" Jamie says and I let out a stupid giggle at that. "I am far from cool" I respond with a grin. "No, you are definitely cool, you wanna know how I know?" he laughs.

"Let me guess you're a genie about to grant me a wish?" I joke, sarcastically. "I know that you are cool because I'm actually the king of cool, why do you think Minnie let me take you, huh?" James continues with a wink. "Oh, I'm so sure" I say, my voice laced with sarcasm as he laughs.

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