Christmas at the Potter's

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Sara's POV:
For me, Christmas usually consisted of being shouted at, having mother complain about how much I'm eating and finishing the night by crying in my room but not this year.

I've been at the Potter's for two days so obviously I didn't expect presents or anything especially since Monty and Mia have only met me a few times but when I walked down the stairs, I was pleasantly surprised to see presents for James and I.

They even waited for me to come downstairs to open them. James pats the floor next to him for me to sit as I open the pile of presents. First thing I got was a Gryffindor quidditch jersey embroidered with Potter. I look to see Jamie with the same one. "This is so pretty, thank you" I say with a smile.

"I hope you like it, kiddo" Fleamont replies with a smile. "We did guess your size but then they sent two in James' size so it will be a bit big but I'm sure it'll look good on you" Euphemia says as she sips at her coffee.

"We can be twinning during games now, sweetheart, see?" Jamie jokes with a calming laugh. I laugh in return at this before continuing to open my presents. There is a Santa's elf stocking that is filled with little snacks and prank toys.

Finally, I have two presents left when Euphemia says "that one's from James". I turn to smile at him and notice him watching me intently whilst I begin unwrapping it. Inside I find two matching rings. One is in the shape of a moon and the other a star. "Thank you so much, Jamie, they're beautiful" I say, gratefully. "I have something for you as well."

I pass him the present as he grins excitedly. He unwraps it excitedly. Inside was a pair of roller skates so he can go practice with me. They are red and have a bunch of swirl patterns. "Cheers, sweetheart. These look sick. Now we can practice together, yeah?" Jamie says, pulling me into a hug.

As I wrap my arms around him in a hug, I feel myself blushing at the interaction. "We can go tomorrow when all the others get here" he says, grinning. I love his smile. Ever since my first year, his grin has given me comfort. Like when I get to the train st station on the 1st September and see him smiling at me, it just brings me back home.

Finally I open the last present. It's a plane ticket to Majorca. I'm shocked, I know James wanted us to come with him but I didn't think any of us actually would end up because of our parents. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You really didn't have to, this is amazing."

"James wanted to have his friends with him so we booked tickets for you, Peter, Sirius and Remus as well. We would like to get to know you especially since you are one of James' best friends" Fleamont says with a smile.

I turn to Jamie. "You called me one of your best friends?" I ask. I never realised he considered me one of his best friends despite him being one of mine. "Of course, you have been since I met you" he says with a grin.

The day moves quick but is filled with laughing and films and just talking. I found myself at some point wondering what I did wrong in a past life to not have a family like James'. Do people really hate me enough to not let me have what he has? What have I done to deserve this?

We sit together as whatever Christmas film plays. To be honest, neither of us have been paying attention and instead have been aiming popcorn at each other. This will sound weird but whenever I am with James, it feels like anything is possible and honestly for me, it's like there is no judgement with him.

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