I think I might be dying

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Sara's POV:
I should probably explain what is happening. According to my divination teacher, I am going to die soon and actual soon. We were doing palm reading today and when my teacher needed an example for our life lines so she called on me and next thing I knew she was telling me that my life line is both short and faint.

For anyone who knows nothing about palm reading then a short and faint life line means both a short life and health problems. I get I don't particularly want to live to 200 years old but I'd like to think that I'd see 30 or maybe even 40. It's not like my heath is terrible like I eat the right things and I do running.

I run into the 4th year boys dorm and throw myself on James' bed. They are all messing around on another bed and Jamie moves to see why I kind of dramatically fell on to his bed. "You alright there, bunny?" Jamie asks, laying next to me.

"My teacher says I'm gonna die soon and in front of my entire class" I say, lifting my head to look at him. "Which one? Why would a teacher say that?" he questions. "That divination teacher who says her name different every time. She said my life line means I'm going to die very soon" I complain to him.

"Let me show you something" Jamie says, he puts his hand in front of him and traces his life line which is only slightly more than mine. "She said the same thing about me, apparently I have until 21" he explains with a laugh. "How is that possible? You are the coolest person I know, you are getting to 85 on personality alone" I exclaim.

He lets out another laugh. "Just try not to listen to anything she says. That one's batty and everyone knows it" Jamie consoles with a grin. "You sure? Because if not then my soul is dying at like 20" I check with a small laugh.

"Oh I'm sure, bunny. In her class last year, I actually wrote a mini thesis about how I saw a big black dog then she went around telling everyone I was gonna die and saw the Grimm" James explains. At this point, Sirius jumps in, "I remember following her around for days and she thought I was the Grimm because I took polyjuice potion."

"That sounds really fun" I say. Me and Jackie do a lot of fun or weird things but the truth is we never involve anyone else. Nowadays, I never get to properly talk to her without her talking about stupid George and asking when I'm going to get in a relationship so that we can do double dates.

A/n: This one was short but I'm super busy and had writers block so here anyway.

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