Happy Halloween

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(Includes drinking, underage drinking, a kiss whilst under the influence)

Sara's POV:
The day is finally here. Halloween. My favourite day of the year. You can dress up, hang out with friends and no one expects proper school work. The best part is even though it a Thursday, the teachers are giving us tomorrow off to recover from the parties.

I get ready for my lessons and walk down to breakfast. "Hey, Sara. Come sit with us" one of Lily's friends, Mary shouts and I go over to them. We aren't aloud to sit with other houses so I've never been able to sit with Jackie so I was always alone or with James and his friends.

As I take my seat, they begin talking about halloween plans. "So the party starts at 9, would you wanna come to our dorm at 7?" Lily suggests. "Didn't the posters say 7 o'clock?" I ask. They let out a small laugh between them. "Is this your first Halloween party? Not to be rude, I'm just curious" Marlene inquires. I nod, "yeah, I'm a third year so I haven't had the chance to go before."

"That's fine. We are obliged by teachers to put up those posters and we sort of lie on them to keep teacher off our backs. We say it starts at 7, they come check on us at 8 but at that point we get some decoy students and quiet music playing so it seems normal but really no one shows up until 9 at earliest" Lily explains to me.

"Oh, that makes sense. Teachers can't know what is actually going on" I respond. "I'll show up at your room at 7 then". "Perfect, we can help accessorise your costume, do some makeup, get your hair all done up, listen to some music, have a bit of pre game" Mary lists.

"This is gonna sound stupid again but what is pregame? I've only heard Jamie say it about quidditch" I ask. I know they are definitely judging me for the questions but I need to know what they are on about before I show up at their room. "It's just having a bit of alcohol for a bit of confidence before the party" Marlene says.

"You don't have to drink unless you want to, besides if you are drinking, you need to be eating as well to even it out" Lily reassures and I just nod and smile. "Don't worry, I've had alcohol before. Just some wine though" I reply. During the dinner parties, I was aloud a bit of wine from my parents.

Just then I see James, Peter, Remus and Sirius walk by looking smug about something. I look towards the Slytherin table to see what they did this time. When they sit in our usual place, not far up the table James looks around shocked. Then I hear him shout a few seats up to me.

"Oi, bunny! What are you doing up there? I have a surprise for you" Jamie shouts up to me. I feel myself going pink in embarrassment at the nickname. "I'll see you guys later, thanks for everything" I say, getting up and moving towards my usual seat.

"What is it, James? I was talking to some friends" I say, sitting down across from them. "Ok, so you know the other day when Mulciber tried looking up your skirt with that mirror?" He says and I nod. "Well, we just got some reasonable payback."

At that moment I see, Mulciber walk threw the doors. Originally in trousers but when he passed through the door, it turned into a skirt. A very very short skirt. The only thing covering him was the fact he had pants on.

People start to notice what just happened and suddenly there is a lot of laughing over the skirt being no more than five or six inches. Along with that when he turned and stormed off, it actually read Gryffindor on the back of the school skirt. I laugh at his reaction. He was stomping around outside the hall and looked about to burst.

The day went by fast after that and soon enough I was bringing my things to the 4th year girls dorm. I walk in with everything in hand along with a bottle of firewiskey that I got a hold of from an older year. "How'd you get that?" Marlene questions, running over to me from her bed. "7th years are very easy to bribe when I start mentioning test answers" I say, with a laugh.

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