Quidditch Game

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James' POV:
Today is the first Quidditch game since being back from the holidays and I am completely pumped to say the least. I've been practicing really hard in my role as chaser and hopefully that means we win. It's up against Slytherin and is one of the most competitive matches of the season.

I walk downstairs to the common room and see Sara holding a huge banner with my name on it. It is coated in red and gold glitter and even has lion drawings across it. She's wearing a Gryffindor red skirt and matching top. It's sort of cropped with long sleeves. Along with that her severely oversized Potter jersey from my parents and her face is covered in cute bits of gold glitter even her space buns are like it.

Sara looks absolutely gorgeous especially like this. I know she is beautiful every day but this really tops my feelings off. She runs up to me with the banner now on the sofa and pulls me into a tight hug. "Nice outfit, bunny, this for me?" I say with a cheerful grin.

"Yes and you can't judge. This is me being amazing and supporting and I think helpful especially since it's your first hopefully full Slytherin match" she says, practically jumping up and down whilst giggling. "Are you ok, bun?" I inquire, concerned about her. "Yeah, yeah, I'm like, I'm really happy, for some, just some reason" Sare stutters over her words but is still giggling.

I have a bad feeling her but I don't say anything. Something deep in my gut is telling me to watch out for her. I'm hoping it's just first game jitters. Truth was I was meant to play against Slytherin twice before but in my second year, I was sick and then in my third year, I was knocked off my broom by the ball.

"C'mon, I told the others I'd wait for you so they are already down at breakfast" she says, changing the subject. "One thing, Sare" I say, noticing her skirt riding up when she turned around. "Of course, I'll wait" Sara responds. I grip the sides of her skirt and pull them down to cover her ass.

"What was that for? My belly is on show now" she complains, wrapping her arms around her stomach. "But sweetheart, your ass was showing when you walked around" I explain, "I just don't want anyone making creepy comments about you."

"Thank, thanks, I'm gonna ask Lily to make it longer at breakfast. No one needs to see my pot belly" she plays off as a joke, still laughing. "That's fine, it's up to you. I just think it looks really good on you that's all" I say as we walk down to breakfast. I notice that she is still really bouncy as she carries the banner.

We walk into the room and I see some of the Slytherin table look towards us. "Oi, nice ass, darling" one of Lestrange's followers shouts over to her and I notice that she covers herself with the jacket more as they stare. "Give us a smile, potter" Mulciber mocks when he reads the name on the back of the jersey.

I move closer to her when suddenly I see Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr storm over to them. We sit and watch the interaction of Evan shouting at both men for watching his 'baby sister'. I know the family have a lot of issues but it actually makes me happy to see that Sara still has at least her older brother on her side.

As breakfast goes on, Sara continues laughing and talking a lot. At some point she asks Lily to extend the skirt. This was whilst telling the story of how Sirius found a really nice top which turned out to be a dress so he cut off the bottom and gave it to her because it went with the top.

Just then it is time for the game. I'm nervous but I know it doesn't matter if I win or lose, it's just a game. At least it was until I saw the smug look on Lestrange's face across the pitch. He's one of the Slytherin chasers and today Sara is about to get her revenge.

Sara's POV:
The game is going really good and Gryffindor is winning when suddenly I see James heading straight for Lestrange. The bludger is following and just as it goes to hit Jamie, he ducks and I let out a gasp. The hall instead hits Lestrange straight off the broom.

Jamie throws the quarrel threw the hoop and just then I see the Gryffindor seeker grab the snitch. The crowd jumps up and there is a mix of shouting in anger and joy. I'm cheering Jamie on loudly whilst dancing around before running down to him on the pitch.

He pulls me into a hug, a look of shock on his face as everyone cheers. I am practically jumping around in excitement. Something in me is screaming to get out but I don't know what. It's like something is wrong but also nothing is happening.

We go up to Gryffindor tower and after hours of celebration, everyone is dancing around. I make sure not to drink a thing so that I remember this night. It's stupid but I'm scared of forgetting everyone and them forgetting me, I want to be remembered.

I walk around to find James and see him really close to some girl from Hufflepuff. Something deep in me burns at the sight and just as he turns to me, I walk away from him and towards Jackie. She is sitting drinking so I pull her arm towards me. "C'mon, dance with me, Jackie" I say with a smile and ridiculous giggle.

The two of us are dancing around to the music when I feel something leaving me. Like a little bit of my happiness leaving me for something or someone else better. I continue smiling and laughing, pretending nothing is bothering me whilst making sure James can see me 'having fun'.

That night I go to my room and don't bother getting ready or cleaning myself and instead just slump down on my bed and feel everything walk out. All energy or hope is gone and somehow nothing has changed.

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