Hogsmeade Trip

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Sara's POV:
I finally get to go to Hogsmeade with everyone else. Some boring rule made it so that you had to be a 3rd year but at least I can go now. Unfortunately, Jackie decided to ditch me for George so I'm probably gonna be alone for a while.

I got up early to get ready for this trip just to get a letter saying that she is going on a date with her boyfriend and can't go with me now. If she was any kinder, I would have been happy as a 3rd wheel but apparently they need more alone time even thought they've been spending every evening together and meals.

Looking at myself in mirror, I look at my outfit. It's a long sleeve orange top with a light blue denim dress on top of it. I'd done my hair like Farrah Fawcett so that I would look cool and even put on my orange knee high socks since it will be cold. After doing a quick check of my makeup, I walk up to the 4th year boy's dormitory where the boys lounge about.

As I walk in, I feel their eyes on me. Sirius makes a wolf whistle towards me with a wink and out of embarrassment, I wrap my arms around my stomach. I should be used to people doing stuff like that especially Sirius who does it on a daily basis but I still feel weird about it.

"Are any of you going to Hogsmeade?" I ask, nervous they are all going to say no. "Me and Pete can't, we have a project that is due Monday" Remus responds and Peter nods in agreement. "I'm going in at around 2 o'clock, Slughorn gave me detention" Sirius says and I can only imagine what he did for Slughorn to give up his morning.

"I am, why you wondering?" Jamie asks. "I was hoping I could go in with you guys since Jackie left me for her boyfriend and it's my first time going in without my parents" I explain, feeling like a child asking to go to the shops. I used to go when I was little but haven't been in about six years as my parents don't really invite me anymore.

"I'd love to, bunny. Let me just get changed and we can get something to eat and grab the train" Jamie offers and I smile, agreeing as I don't mind waiting a bit. He doesn't take long getting ready before grabbing my hand to leave.

We walk down to the great hall and I feel my stomach do actual backflips at the idea of Jamie holding my hand. In the past few weeks, I've started to like him like as more than a friend but have been too scared to tell him. We sit down at the Gryffindor table and James begins grabbing a few different foods.

I notice when he puts some croissants in his bag. "How come you are doing that?" I ask. "Sometimes whilst in Hogsmeade, I get hungry because of all the shopping" Jamie explains, "so I just grab something at breakfast to bring with me in case."

Breakfast doesn't take too long but I did end up eating two of the croissants as requested by Jamie because he 'doesn't want me fainting in the middle of a shop', I get he's being nice by doing this but sometimes I just don't want to eat and it won't kill me to skip a few meals.

We get off the train and begin walking into town. "Where do ya fancy? I could do with a stock up from Honeydukes" Jamie says. "I don't mind, I might get some honeycomb" I suggest. I know I won't but it's enough to keep him off my back.

Walking into the shop, Jamie grabs my hand and pulls me towards the honeycomb. "Which one are you in the mood for? Maybe the milk chocolate coated ones? They're by far the best. Or the caramel coated ones?" he begins suggesting, looking through the boxes.

"I'll get the milk chocolate ones" I say, grabbing the smallest box they have. I can't trust myself with a box bigger than that, in case I get in a mood and eat them all. Every so often that happens. I'll start doubting myself then I'll eat quite a lot, but it gets worse because once I start, I can't stop. Then after that I will hate myself far worse than before.

"Maybe get a bigger box. We have a few weeks until the next trip and you might fancy them more than once" James suggests. I put the box back and grab the medium box. I give him a small smile, "good idea, I might get hungry in the middle of the night."

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