James' House

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Sara's POV:
I stand outside his door, gaining the courage to knock. When I had gotten off the bus, I'd been drenched in a lot of rain. Finally I knock the door just as I feel all the emotions that I'd been ignoring, come up at once. I can feel my nose twitching from the cold and rain.

Tears begin falling and the door opens to show a women. "Is- is James here?" I stutter out. "He's just in the living room, come in. You must be one of his friends" she says and I follow her inside. "James, one of your friends are here" she shouts into the room.

Much like a Labrador, he comes running out just to see me in tears with ruined makeup and drenched clothes. "Shit, Bunny. What happened?" he asks, coming closer to me. "I shouldn't have gone back. It was like a mouse trap where I was the cheese" I say, moving closer as he wraps his hands around me.

He begins pulling my drenched jacket off me and stops when he sees the dress and realises it was something important because I didn't even change. "Tell me what happened, now" James says, pulling me upstairs to his room.

I sit down and he's pacing back and forth in front of me. "Please just tell me the truth" he practically begs. "I'm engaged" I respond, "my parents arranged me to get married and that's why they have been 'nice' and now I'm really confused who knew and why they thought it was normal for a fourteen year old to be engaged."

"How are you engaged?" James questions, stopping his pacing as I stare at the ground. "It's common apparently for pure blood families to do arranged marriages but they did mine particularly young" I explain, trying to calm my breathing.

"Is it alright if I ask who are you engaged to?" Jamie asks, sitting beside me. "Do you know Rebastian Lestrange?" I check when I feel him wrap his arms around me. "I'm so sorry, Sare" he says, resting his head on my shoulder.

At that moment, James' dad comes into the room and I half expect him to shout at me for wearing wet clothes on the bed so I felt surprised when he didn't shout. "Hey, kiddos. I'm not sure when you ate, Sara but I'm in the mood for something nice so I'm making toasties, would you kids like one?" Mr Potter offers with a smile.

I turn to James to see what he says. "Yeah, that sounds good, thanks, dad" Jamie responds with a grin, his arms still wrapped around me. "You fancy changing? I don't think that's too comfortable".

"Yes, please, thanks" I say. He grabs some pyjamas from a draw and hands them to me. "I'll wait outside for you, sweetheart" Jamie tells me with a smile. I know it sounds ridiculous since I thought I had Jackie but for me, James is my best friend.

James' POV:
I stand outside the room and lean against the wall when I accidentally see Sara's back. I manage to stay quiet despite the fact it is quite obvious that I just saw the faint line of scars that scatter her back.

I know if it is brought up she will lie but I know what a scar looks like from Remus. Ever since we found out his secret, he's been open about it to me, Peter and Sirius. Just then Sara walks out to me. Her face is neutral as we walk down to the kitchen.

We sit at the table as my dad makes the toasties. I notice bunny playing with her fingers as she stared outside into the darkness. "So, Sara, how'd you like your toasties?" my dad asks her as he begins on her one.

"I don't really mind" she says with a polite smile. I've always notice how she gets nervous around adults or authority figures. "I think you'll enjoy yours extra cheesy with bbq sauce, aye?" dad guesses with a smile. I like the fact he always tries to be friendly with my friends and isn't rude to them or anything.

"That sounds nice, thank you mr potter" Sare answers, it's obvious she's a bit nervous but hopefully she'll get comfortable fast with my family. "No need for 'mr potter', you can call me Monty, love" dad corrects with a grin. After a bit I can feel her calming down from what happened and becoming more comfortable here.

We are messing around at the kitchen table when I notice Sara going quiet. "You okay sweetheart?" I ask quietly as I lean towards her. "Nothing, you and your parents just get on well and that's good to see, y'know?" Sara responds.

Not long later I realise it's close to 2am and that my parents have work in the morning. "I'm kinda tired, you fancy bed?" I ask her with a smile. The guest bedroom is currently a huge mess so I'll just offer her my bed. It's a queen size so we won't have to be too close if she isn't in that type of mood.

We go up to my room and I start making the bed for us. We've shared a bed before so I don't see any problems with this but after tonight, I'm not sure if she feels like being too close with anyone. I notice her stand there for a moment when I get into the bed.

"You alright, bunny?" I ask. "Yeah, yeah, sorry, just a daze, I'm fine" she stumbled over her words before getting in the bed. It's not long before I feel myself dozing off and notice her laying there, staring at the ceiling. I want to help her so badly but I really don't know how to. Every time I ask her if she's good, she'll just stumble over some lie about how she must be tired. I'm just worried about her, I don't want anything happening and not stopping it.

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