God I hate Slytherins!

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Sara's POV:
Considering I was told to become a Slytherin from early childhood, I really hate them some days. At breakfast, I had Avery make a comment about my skirt. Then I had to go to Transfiguration where Pandora kept complaining about me not asking to move to Slytherin. As if I could even do that.

Skip to lunch and I had Mulciber throw paper birds at me for half an hour so when I finally saw James, I took my opportunity just as the bell went for lesson and said "fancy skipping in the toilets?"

"Why not?" Jamie said and suddenly, I'm sitting on the floor of a toilet stall with him, laughing on the other side. "So how come you wanted to skip?" he asked. "I've just had a shitty day and couldn't deal with another potions lesson where I get told off every few minutes" I explain. "Yeah but why ask me?"

I think for a second. "I'm not sure, you're nice I suppose" I said, with a distant look on my face before continuing on, "how come you said yes to me then? I'm not that interesting."

"Well, you're always alone and I really wanna hang out with you" Jamie said. "You wanna hang out with me?" I say in confusion. This entire time I was under the impression that he was just joking or something when he was nice to me and only now did it hit that maybe he might actually like me as well.

"Of course I wanna hang out with you, Sare!" He exclaims and I feel dumb at my question. "Why do you think I've been overly nice to you for the past three weeks?"

"I just thought it was for some stupid joke" I respond, not looking at him now. "Why would anyone joke about something like that?" Jamie asks and I go quiet. My eyes now facing the floor, I sigh, "maybe because I've been basically socially isolated for the past few weeks and maybe because I'm a Rosier."

"I wouldn't give a shit if you were a dementor, I like you" he says. "I like you to" I say, now having a smile grow on my face. Maybe Hogwarts won't be quite so terrible now. At least as long as James is with me.

James' POV:
I look at her but don't say anything. All I feel is peace. She doesn't say anything either and we just sit in a comfortable silence. I could tell she needed this and honestly, I needed this as well.

For ages, I've tried talking to her but I keep thinking of Lily. I thought she might like me but then she completely humiliated me in-front of everyone and the worst part is I thought she actually wanted to be with me.

With Sara, it's simple. I'm not overthinking as much as last year and she has such a soothing presence that I can't help but want to never leave her side. I get I can come off strong but that's only because I really really like her. I just hope she feels the same, this time around.

Honestly, I'd understand her not wanting a relationship just yet since we are quite young but maybe in the future. Of course, it's hard not
to imagine a long and happy future with her.

Just then I hear her stomach grumble. I look up at her, "have you eaten?" I ask. In the weeks I've known her, Sara has never really eaten much. Her excuse being she had a big breakfast or she'll get something later but I know she never does.

"Yeah, earlier" Sara responds, no longer looking at me. "How much earlier?" I questioned again, I knew she definitely wasn't at breakfast and I never saw her actually put anything in her mouth at lunch. "I had a big breakfast" she says, her voice quietening.

"You weren't at breakfast" I say. This was always her usual response but I knew for a fact from her roommates that she would wake up to see the sunrise and just sit by the window until lessons. "I had a breakfast bar in my room" Sara defends and I hear her voice crack quietly.

"I can make you something, I got a waffle maker as a birthday present and it's in my room" I offer. She doesn't say anything for a minute, "I'm fine, thanks though" Sare says, her arms now covering her stomach.

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