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Sara's POV:
It was a few weeks into the year and I'd made plans to go into Hogsmeade with Jackie as I've been spending a lot of my time with Mary, Lily and Marlene or James but only him in secret since Rebastian seems to have a paddy whenever he finds out I've been with Jamie.

I'd walked down to breakfast, excited to spend the day with her but then I found out from one of her roommate's that she was throwing up all last night and couldn't get out of bed. I do understand being sick but I really missing spending time with her.

Finally, I decide to just go into Hogsmeade alone and start my Christmas shopping early. As I walked to the train station, I get stopped and that is how I ended up having to spend the day with Rebastian. To be honest, I never know what to say and usually he's the one doing all the talking.

As we walk, I feel his arm around my shoulders because of the height difference and despite me trying to move away, he persists. I'm still confused how any of this happened in the first place. How did I go from Hogsmeade with Jackie to Hogsmeade with Rebastian.

"Where do you fancy going? Perhaps something pretty for me?" he offers and for the first time I respond with words. "Yeah, I could get a new top" I say with a smile. Rebastian pulls me towards a shop and next thing I know, I'm stuck between his lean form and the wall.

"We both know that's not what I meant" he says, moving closer to me. "Now why don't you pick out a pretty little set for me?" Rebastian continues before giving me a shove towards the shop door and only then do I realise he's on about lingerie.

"Don't you think I'm a bit young for that?" I disagree with him. "Not by my birthday, gotta make sure I have a worthwhile birthday present" he snaps, and I feel him grope my ass but move away before much can happen in discomfort.

"When is your birthday?" I ask, I know he's a seventh year but I don't actually know much about him. "6th May, it'll give you enough time to practice" he responds and I can't stomach asking practice for what as I know it'll only scare me more.

As we walk around, we notice the time and decide to get lunch. I'm sitting in a booth across from him as I look at the menu. To be honest, I'm hungrier than usual and turn to Rebastian before saying "I'm thinking of a kebab, what about you?"

"You'll have the pasta salad, your mother has already told me of your eating habits so we need them sorted soon. That means I'll have the mixed kebab and a portion of chips" he interrupts and all I can do is nod. I don't know what is happening but it's not like I have the option to argue.

I sit in silence as Rebastian talks about a Quidditch game coming up. I try to zone him out when he pulls my attention with a snap of his fingers. "So will you go to the next match? It's Slytherin versus Hufflepuff which means it's an obvious win for me" he asks. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll see if any of the others would want to as well" I respond.

Even though I'm not a big quidditch fan, I do enjoy going to some games. "Actually I was hoping it could be just you. Then after we would spend the evening together as a request from our families" Rebastian says and once again I just agree. It will be awkward watching a game by myself but I'll survive.

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