Back At Hogwarts

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Sara's POV:
I walk onto the platform. After another lecture from my parents, I was not in the mood until I saw her. My best friend of three years; Jackie Arnold. A muggle born and Hufflepuff which is two things my parents pretend not to hate but actually do.

She runs up to me. This was the first time I had gotten to see her in a month as she lives in Wales and my parents had went overboard with the locks everywhere in the house. This summer was surprisingly not that bad in the sense my parents try to hurt me and that they haven't all summer.

My mother has also had me continue with these pills. I'm not actually sure what they are for but she told me that they are vitamins so I haven't questioned them because I think they might be helping at least a bit.

Jackie runs up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "Sare, I've missed you. How was your summer?" she practically exclaims, jumping up and down. "It was fine. Not too bad. How was yours?" I ask.

"Amazing, I went camping with my cousins for like a week. And before that my parents took me to Egypt to visit my brother. It was so fun but I really missed you. I hate the fact your parents wouldn't let you come with me" Jackie says.

"Yeah, well they weren't terrible this summer so I survived but there was a lot of boring dinner parties. You'd think after one every week the people would get bored" I say with a laugh. We walk on to the train, Jackie babbling about her summer.

"Y'know, I got a boyfriend" she says and I have to stop and turn to her. "You got a boyfriend?" I say. As long as I've known her, she has never had any crushes or relationships. "His name is George. He's American and was visiting for the summer. Oh oh, he's also a wizard. He's a 4th year over at Ilvermorny and is like super smart" Jackie continues as we walk to our compartment.

Just then she stops. "Why'd you stop?" I ask. "That's him, that's George. I thought he was going home. What's he doing here?" she says before the guys stops and turns to us. "Jackie, I missed you" he says, "please, come sit with us."

She turns to me and I just nod. It's not like it's up to me if she wants to spend time with her American boyfriend. So, I continue walking towards my usual compartment with my things in hand. I make my way into the small space.

Remus picks up my bag and put them on top of the rack. I don't say anything but a thank you until I start to fall over something that was left on the floor. Both fortunately and unfortunately, I fell into James' lap. "Hiya, bunny. I know you missed me but that's a bit risky, eh?" Jamie jokes. I go to move, scared that I'm actually crushing him.

"Why you moving? You feel very comfy, bunny" he says. "I just don't fancy crushing you, sorry" I respond. He doesn't say anything for a second before pulling me closer, "sweetheart, you ain't crushing me. I do quidditch, I've had guys twice your size hit me from my broom."

It may seem like we are dating based off this conversation but the truth is, he's just one of my closest friends. I don't move from where I am in his lap when Peter comes in. "Hiya, Pete. How was your summer? I heard you went to Turkey" I say, whilst he takes his seat.

"Yeah, it was really good, thanks Sara and I even brought a treat back for everyone" Peter says which makes the others around me cheer. "Treats" Sirius exclaimed. Much like my mother, Sirius' mother wouldn't allow him many sweet things so once he was back here, he would get really excited about anything treat related.

Peter got out a few small boxes of stuff called Turkish Delights. "Now, I'm not sure what flavour you all like so I got a mixture" Pete explains as they all jump forward to get some. After months of my mother, not letting me eat any sugar, I'm stuck considering whether or not I should take one of the powdered cubes.

Handing out the boxes, I hold one before turning to James who's lap I'm still in, "fancy one, Jamie?" I ask. He opens his mouth to signal yes and I aim one for his mouth. I put the box down as everyone else eats them. "Oi, firstie, you having any?" Sirius asks. I take a second to think, "I'm good for now, I had a big breakfast" I say, this isn't true but it's the easiest excuse I could think of.

The rest of the train ride consists of messing around and somehow we are nearly there. I'm still sitting on Jamie's lap when I feel my stomach hurt. I wrap my arms around my stomach and move slightly closer to the window. Jamie must have noticed this as I feel him lean in and whispers in my ear, "you alright, bunny? I might have a pain killer in my bag."

"I'm fine, I'll take something before bed" I whisper back when the train takes a halt. We are now in our uniform and getting off the train when Jackie runs up to us. "Where were you off to?" Remus asks her as she gets in our carriage. "With my very hot American boyfriend who convinced his family to stay in England so he can be with me" Jackie responds with a smile across her face. "He's just going to the equivalent of his old house so Ravenclaw that why he's with a group of them right now."

The dinner is boring and by the end of Dumbledore's speech, we are all yawning out of boredom. He should really learn how to write shorter speeches. I get that he only gives  a few every year but they all feel like they take a year. The food once again arrives and everyone is digging in. James is trying a bit of everything and turns to me. "I'll find some things I think you'll like, trust me" Jamie says.

I do trust him but to be honest, I don't feel like food today. I suppose my body is telling me to eat when I feel my stomach grumble. I begin picking at some of the food, James put on my plate, this happens every year. Last year he asked if he could give it a go and I said yes so every so often, he picks me out some things. I remember he would do it at meals when Remus is sick in the Hospital Wing.

He does it on my birthday as well but I don't mind so much anymore. I know Jamie only does it because he wants to look after everyone. To be honest, I really appreciate it so I do try everything he picks out for me. Everyone is talking around me about their summer when Jamie turns to me, "you do anything fun this summer?"

"Not really, my parents just had a bunch of dinner parties. My mum did try and talk to me for once which was alright" I say, that is the truth, I really didn't do much, "I hung out with Pandora and Evan a bit but they have their own friends so I was mostly in my room."

"You should definitely come to mine next year. It's a shame your parents said no this time" James says and they all agree with him. "I can ask my parents to  take you with us to Majorca next year, they said I could invite some friends and I was thinking all of you could come."

"That sounds like wicked fun, Prongs but we would have to check with all our parents" Sirius says. To be quite honest, I never knew why they would call each other ridiculous nicknames but I figured they all had some kind of connection. After that the evening goes by quickly and finally I am laying in my bed again. For some reason I have this feeling deep down that this year might not be expected.

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