Letter from the Rosiers

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Sara's POV:
If it hasn't been more obvious but me and my friends are very honest so when I get period pains around them, I won't sugarcoat too much. I'm all seriousness they can all be very sweet when I'm having cramps. Along with that, I've just received very bad news I think.

Remus is always offering chocolate, Peter is giving me a lot of blankets and Sirius tends to be there for moral support. Then best of all I have Jamie, he's the best literally. He does coddle me a lot but he means it in the best way possible.

I slump down onto James' bed with a sigh and suddenly it's like I'm being made into a human burrito because I'm completely wrapped in blankets and they even managed to slip a hot water bottle into the pile somehow.

No words have to exchange for them to realise I'm on my period. It's been like this since I got my period last year and I hope it never changes. Like maybe lower the pain level but I definitely would miss these moments otherwise.

I look up from my pile to see Jamie with a smile across his comforting face. "Sweetheart?" he asks and I nod but can't make words. "Would you like a hug? A hot chocolate? Anything?" Jamie offers. His genuine smile warms me up inside more than the water bottle as I nod again in response.

He wraps his arms around me and just then I hear Sirius putting on some music to hum to whilst Rem and Pete get the hot chocolates. "Bunny, what's wrong?" Jamie whispers into my ear. Was I that obvious? The other day, I sent a letter to my parents asking if what Rebastian said is true and I just got the response.

"Y'know, your birthday?" I ask, "well, Lestrange said that we are still 'courting' or something so I sent a letter to ask what is happening and I just got their response". He looks shocked as I avoid eye contact but show him the letter. I haven't read it until now so I let my eyes follow the words.

Dear Sara,
In response to your questions and very much a lot of consideration from us all, we have decided that you are to court Rebastian until an heir is necessary. He is a lovely gentleman who you should give respect to and he has agreed to get you into proper poise before the upcoming wedding in the next few years. Originally, we felt that Pandora would suit him as she has the correct morals but upon further thought, we believe she will find a suitable husband whereas you are easily influenced. We expect you home this summer but will allow two weeks with your 'friends'. I hope this explains well enough but I will go into detail when we next see you.
Your father.

I can feel the tears fall at the letter. I hoped that they had considered my age and the fact I would like to choose who I marry. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry" he mutters into my forehead. "Don't be, I'm used to it" I say with a hurt smile.

"You shouldn't have to worry about this, you are too young" Jamie says, rubbing circles into my skins softly. Even though, it doesn't surprise me, it still hurts. They've been doing things like this since I was a kid but since they have been nicer recently, I hoped everything would change.

James' POV:
Cautiously, I look towards her. I feel a shift in mood, completely. I can see her forcing a smile but I can also see through it. I've known her long enough that her putting up a smile, doesn't work on me.

My thumb draws circles on her back but I don't say anything. Seeing Sara like this worries me but I can't say that because then the others will worry and I don't want them going through that.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask, trying to keep my voice quiet. "No, no, I'm fine, let's just forget about it, yeah?" Sara responds, putting up a smile. She isn't fine, deep down I know she's never been fine.

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