Halloween Costumes

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Sara's POV:
With halloween only a few days away, I was seriously panicking like actual panicking. First of all, I'd ordered a simple fallen angel costume. Nothing too fancy just a black dress, some wings and horns. Unfortunately they sent the wrong order and so now I have a normal angel costume but I have the size lower than I had ordered.

I've seen it and I'd be able to fit but a whole other problem comes. The length. The difference between this and the next size up was a few inches on the bottom part. I know it wouldn't kill me but I definitely would not be able to move the entire night with the fear that I might flash someone my knickers,

Jackie walks out of the bathroom, showing me her Halloween costume. Her and George are going as vampires. It's sorta lame doing a couples costume but at least they are happy I suppose. The dress looks amazing on her. I can't help but think of how mine is going to look like a hazard on me. An owl comes to the window and she opens it as I go try on my angel dress.

I hear Jackie shout something but can't understand then a few minutes later when I walk out of the bathroom, her dress is now on the floor and she has left with out a word. Maybe she is just in the common room? I walk downstairs in my costume, hoping to find her there and just talking to George. Both luckily and unluckily, there is only one person there and she is not Jackie.

I look outside the common room and sigh at not seeing her standing there. I walk back in and decide to ask the girl, a Lily Evans I'm pretty sure, if she saw where Jackie went. "Hey, by any chance did you see where a red head girl went? We were trying on our costumes and now I can't find her" I say, nervously.

"I'm not sure, she seemed a hurry though like maybe she was late for something?" Lily says with uncertainty. "Okay, thanks anyway" I respond, fidgeting with the bottom of my dress. "Do you need any help?" she offers. "We were gonna try and find a way to fix my dress but neither of us know what spells to use" I explain.

"I could help if you would like. We've recently done clothing alterations in class" Lily offered. "That would be really nice, thanks" I agreed. We walk up the stairs when she suddenly stops. "Let me just let my friends know" she explained. Opening the door, Lily shouts into the room and gesturing to me, "guys this is Sara, she is gonna get ready with us on Halloween, I'm just going to help her with something and I'll be back."

We walk up to my room and I stand in front of her when she says some spell which makes my dress about three inches longer thankfully. "Thanks, I really appreciate this, we haven't done that in lessons yet" I say with a smile. "No worries, by the way, I would've tried for a bit longer but I'm only beginning at it" Lily responded and I nod.

A/n: sorry for another short one but the next will be longer.

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