No longer a normal night

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Its started out as a normal evening for Ashley Purdy. It was a Friday night and he was hanging out at the bar. He was lightly sipping his second beer of the night when he saw one of the patrons stumbling out of the bar. He thought to himself "I seriously hope he's not planning on driving." He decided two beers was enough for him that night and decided to pay his tab and leave. He had no idea he picked a horrible time to leave the bar that night. He got in his car completely oblivious to the fact the drunken patron he saw stumbling out of the bar a few minutes earlier had made the horrible decision to drive that night. But it was too late. As Ashley was turning out of the exit the drunken driver hit the gas and drove his truck full speed straight out of the entry, t-boning Ashley's car flipping it.  Everything happened so fast. Ashley was knocked unconscious. Luckily for Ashley he texted CC right before leaving the bar telling him he's on his was home. Or in this case, was.

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