Court Date

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It was now Thursday morning. Rebecca was filing the last bit of paperwork getting ready for court that morning. Judge Brownstone said "Ms Hamilton is your client not making an appearance this morning?" Rebecca said "Your Honor due to the severity of my clients injuries he is unable to make an appearance today. He has also requested to not see the defendant. I will be representing him on his behalf." The bailiff said "All rise for the honorable Judge Brownstone. The case of Samuel Blackmore vs Ashley Purdy may now presume." Judge Brownstone said "State your name and who you're representing to the jury." Rebecca said "Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Rebecca Hamilton, representing the defendant Mr Ashley Purdy in this case." 

It was now Rebecca's turn to state her case. :

"Your honor my client Ashley Purdy's blood alcohol level was well under the legal limit. He suffered life threatening injuries. Due to his concussion he has a laceration that required nearly 2 dozen staples going across the side of his scalp as seen in this picture. As you can see in this photo from just 2 nights ago there is still a significant scar. Because of the severity of his concussion he is now suffering from temporary brain damage. He cannot clearly enunciate his words or pick up anything. This poor man can barely lift a pen! He also suffered a spinal cord injury resulting in temporary paralysis. He is bound to a hospital bed. He has no strength to use a wheelchair due to his injuries. He has to use adult diapers because he has no feeling from the waist down. This man is a public figure. He's played music with his band for fans all over the world. He is not only embarrassed because of his injuries but because of the accident he is suffering from PTSD. He's terrified to be in a car. He can't even look out the window when a truck such as the one Mr Blackmore was driving goes by. He's also suffering from nightmares due to the PTSD. Because of his injuries and recovery process he is also suffering from depression. His Dr's are unable to determine how long his recovery will be. It is because of Mr Samuel Blackmore's recklessness driving with a blood alcohol 3 times the legal limit that my client Ashley Purdy went from traveling the world making music and performing for millions of people around the world as a functioning adult to being bed bound in a adult diaper barely able to lift a pen! According to the police report Ashley Purdy was knocked unconscious. He had to be cut out of his car using the jaws of life. His car was completely bashed in while Mr Blackmore's truck suffered only minor damage in comparison. My client Ashley Purdy lost so much blood in that accident caused by Mr Samuel Blackmore that if Mr Purdy would've lost just one more pint of blood, that's ONE MORE PINT, that he would be dead. Ashley Purdy was a pint of blood away from being dead because of being hit by a truck that Samuel Blackmore was driving while under the influence of alcohol!"

After a short debate it was an easy win for Ashley's case. Judge Brownstone said "In the case of Ashley Purdy vs Samuel Blackmore I find the defendant Samuel Blackmore guilty of DUI and is sentenced to 6 years in state prison and a fine of 10,000 dollars and 4 years probation. I will also be issuing a restraining order. Case dismissed."

Rebecca went to the Black Veil Brides house to tell them the good news. She saw a medical transport van leaving as she was pulling up. She figured it must be his in-home nurses just leaving which it was. She knocked on the door and Jake let her in saying "Oh Rebecca come on in! The nurses just left." She said "I figured that's who that was. Good news! We won the case!" The band all cheered. Rebecca said "Samuel Blackmore has been sentenced to 6 years in state prison and a fine of 10,000 dollars and 4 years probation. The judge also took the liberty of issuing a restraining order for when he's released." Jinxx said "Wow that's great!" Rebecca shook Ashley's hand and said "Congratulations Mr. Purdy. I wish you a speedy recovery. Maybe one day when you're back on stage I'll come see you guys play." Andy said "We would love to see you there." CC said "We really appreciate your help." Ashley said "Take hoo Ev-eck-a. (Thank you Rebecca.)" Shes smiled and said "You're very welcome Ashley. Glad to help."

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