Who's gonna be it

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*I'm going to try and put what's happening in Ashley's point of view. Anything Ashley says in his head will be in brackets. [ ]

It was Sunday morning. The day after the band visited Ashley. He woke up still in a slight daze. [Oh great] he thought, [It's still not just a bad dream. I'm still living this nightmare. This sucks. Why did I have to survive this? I can't live like this! I can't walk. I can't even fucking talk. I have to wear a fucking diaper like some giant man baby freak show. Now my fucking band mates have to take care of me like I'm some sort of infant! This is humiliating! Though they did volunteer to do this for me. They didn't have to. I guess they really do care about me. I hope they come by again and visit me.]

Meanwhile at the Black Veil Brides house...

Jake said "Ok we've gotta figure out who's gonna be power of attorney. Somebody's gotta be able to sign for Ashley." Andy said "I should be it." Jake said "And just what made you come to the conclusion?" Andy said "Well I am the lead singer of the band. My band,my bass player, I should be his power of attorney." Jinxx said in an irritated tone "Ok first off you egotistical ass hole its OUR band! As in all five of us. And second of all it should be someone who Ashley feels he can trust the most." Andy, Jake, and Jinxx all look over at CC. Confused CC asked "Me? What makes you think it's me?" Jake said "Come on CC, of course it's you. You two are like two dick-head peas in a pod. Plus look at who the ambulance called after the accident." CC said "That's only because I'm the last person he texted." Jake said "My point exactly."

CC said "How about we just ask him ourselves who he wants when we go over there today? I'm sure we can get him to at least motion to the direction of the person he wants to be his power of attorney." Jake pulled a five dollar bill out of his wallet and said "I bet you five bucks he's gonna pick you." CC checked his wallet and said "I only have a ten." Jake said "Fine than ten." CC rolled his eyes. Jinxx standing by the front door with his keys in his hand complained "Ok deal made can we go now?!"

Ashley sat in his hospital bed when he heard footsteps coming. [Please be them! Please be them!] he thought. He smiled weakly as they walked into the room. Andy said "There's Mr happy!" CC gave him a grossed out look and said "Dude..." Andy immediately knew what CC was thinking and chastised him "Get your mind out of the gutter chuppy!" Jinxx said to Ashley "Ok Ashley we have something very important we want to discuss with you. Can you answer something important for us?" Ashley nodded [I can't talk, I'm not an idiot.] he thought. Jinxx continued "Ok so since you're not able to sign paperwork for yourself for a while one of us needs to be your power of attorney to sign your medical forms so you can come home. Which one of us would YOU be the most comfortable with having that responsibility of you? You don't have to pick right away so don't worry or stress." Andy chimed in "Actually he does have to choose quickly in order to leave the hospital." Jake, Jinxx, and CC all at the same time chastised him "Andy!" they growled. Clueless, Andy asked "What? It's true."

CC whispered to him "Shut the fuck up!"  and said to Ashley "ANYWAY, you don't have to pick right away you CAN (leering back at Andy then looking back at Ashley) take your time." Ashley looked around and thought [Well if I gotta trust at least one of these bone heads its gonna be CC]. Ashley motioned toward CC to the best of his ability and said "tee-tee (CC). Surprised CC asked "Me?!" Ashley nodded slightly. Jake snickered to CC "I knew it, hand it over." while holding out his hand. CC grumbled in frustration as he slammed the five dollar bill into Jake's hand. Dr Booth walked in saying "Good morning I'm sure Ashley is happy to see you. Have you decided who will be power of attorney?" CC said gleefully "Ya it's gonna be me so any papers that need to be signed so just hand them to me." Dr Booth said "Actually picking a power of  attorney was just the first step. I'm going to need you to get it notarized before I can let you sign anything." CC, Andy, Jake, and Jinxx all let out a combined "UGHHHH!!!!!"

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