The Final in-home Nurse Visit

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A few days have gone by since the court date. It was now Wednesday. Jake said "I can't believe this is Tina and Tanya's last night." Ashley said "I go-ah mit tem. (I'm gonna miss them.)" CC said "Ya they're kinda hot." Ashley said "Tee-tee! (CC!)" CC said "What?!" Jinxx said "Hey Ash, how about we have you practice picking things up some more?" and handed Ashley a pen. Ashley was grabbing it with his whole hand. Andy giggled and said "Hey! Cheater! You're supposed to pick it up with your fingers." Jake said "Hey at least he can squeeze his fists now."

Ashley picked up the pen with his finger but struggled a little. Andy handed him a piece of paper and asked "Ashley do you know how to write your name?" obviously wording that question wrong. Ashley got irritated and said "I d'oh ow to wite my ow dame Addy! (I know how to write my own name Andy!) Jinxx said "Hey did you hear that Ashley?" Ashley asked "Ear what? (Hear what?)" Jinxx said "You made the 'M' sound. And the 'W' sound!" Ashley asked "I did?" Jinxx said "Ya! And you just said 'I did' pretty clearly."

CC said "Hey Ashley, say write. Like to write a book."  Ashley looked at CC and said "Wite (Write.)" CC said "Well close enough." Jake said "Ashley, say 'my name'." Ashley looked at Jake and said "Dake. (Jake.)" Jake said "No no no I mean say the words 'my name'." Ashley said "My dame. (My name.)" Jake said "He almost got it! He made the 'M' sound!" Andy said "Way to go Ashley! Can you say Andy?" Ashley said "Addy. (Andy.)" Andy pouted and said "Damn...ok lets see if you can write your name."  Ashley tried to write his name but lost grip and dropped the pen causing his hand writing to scribble. Ashley groaned. Andy said "It's ok Ashley. You almost got it. You're getting there.

Tanya and Tina showed up at their usual time that evening. Tina said "Well sadly Ashley, as you may know this is our last day." Ashley sighed "Ya I d'oh. (Ya I know.)" Tanya said "We're sure gonna miss you." Ashley said "I'm go ah mith hoo too. (I'm gonna miss you too." Surprised Tina asked "Did he just make the 'M' sound?" Andy nodded smiling and said "Yep!" Jake said "He made a "W" earlier today sound too." Jinxx said "He's getting better at holding things. He's got his grip back." CC said "And to top it off, Ashley won his court cause last week against the drunk driver that hit him."

Tanya said "Wow that's all such good news!" Tina and Tanya changed Ashley's hospital bed sheets and did some arm exercises with him. Tanya said "Wow Ashley your getting stronger! Wanna try rolling your wheelchair?" Ashley grabbed the wheels of his wheelchair and pushed as hard as he could with a grunt. To his surprise the chair actually rolled forward an inch! Ashley smiled hugely and said "Howy cap I did it! (Holy crap I did it!). Everyone cheered. Tina said "Great job Ashley! You said that pretty clearly too."

 As the nurses were getting ready to leave Ashley said "I hope to thee hoo at ow foot Eh AY  ho E.I.E when i et ack on tate. (I hope to see you at our first LA show V.I.P when i get back on stage.)" Tanya said "That sounds like a great idea." Tina said "I guess now that our visitations are over we can tell you, we've actually been Black Veil Brides fans for a while." Andy asked "Really?" Tanya said "Ya we've been part of the bvb army for a long time." Jake said "Wow that's great!" Tina said "We had to keep our composer and stay professional when we found out we were the ones who were gonna be his in-home nurses." Ashley asked curiously "Ah hoo urdy hirls? (Are you Purdy girls?)" Tanya and Tina looked at each other smiling and showed Ashley the matching "Purdy Girl" tattoo they both have on their left hips and giggled unanimously saying "Yes." making Ashley smile.

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