Welcome Home

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That evening when the band got home they started to prepare for Ashley's return. Jinxx asked Andy "Hey Andy can you help me move this coffee table up against the wall? We can put Ashley's hospital bed in front of the tv." Thinking nothing of it Andy said "Sure no problem!" Unfortunately there was a problem. It was heavy!  Andy grunted when they lifted "Holy shit Jinxx why did you have to get such a heavy coffee table?" Jinxx grunted back equally struggling "Because it was gothic and cool looking and Ashley liked it too so we went halfsies on it." Still struggling to carry this massive coffee table Andy asked "Did you say halfsies?" Jinxx grunted back "Just shut up and help me put it up against the wall!" After they put the table down Jinxx said "Well technically I bought the coffee table Ashley bought the matching end tables." CC came down the stairs and said "I found Ashley's charger." Jake asked "His phone survived the crash?" CC said "Ya and his keys but his car key was stuck in the ignition so they had to remove the key ring from it. The rest of the keys survived." Andy asked "What about the rest of his stuff in the car?" CC said "All they found was 2 half empty water bottles and a beach towel with a giant hole in it in the trunk." The doorbell rang. Jake said "Looks like the delivery people are here."

It was now Thursday morning. The day they've been waiting for. Andy said putting the pack of Ashley's diapers the hospital sent on the coffee table. He said excitedly "C'mon guys we gotta get everything set up for Ashley to come home!" Jinxx said "Andy calm down it's only 10:30 in the morning he's not coming home till later this afternoon. CC's not even out of bed yet." Andy said "We should get a cake to celebrate!" Jake said "Andy I don't think that would be very fair since Ashley can't eat any." Andy said "I don't understand why, it's soft." Jinxx said "Because he still has to chew it. Until his speech clears up the Dr wants to be safe and not have him eat anything he has to chew."

The day went on and it was now time for Ashley to be released. Jake drove the band to the hospital so they would be there together when he's wheeled out those hospital doors. While the nurses prepped Ashley to leave these two brunette nurses with rather large boobs came into the room. They looked exactly the same. The one on the left said "Hi I'm Tanya." The one on the right said "Hi and I'm Tina. We're Ashley's in home nurses. We will be driving him home." Ashley's eyes went wide. He thought [Holy shit they're hot!] Jinxx said "Wow you two looks really similar." Unanimously they said "We're twins!" Tanya said "I'll get the van prepared since I'm driving." Tina went to grab some last minute paper work and stepped out of the room. CC leaned over to Ashley and said "Dude your in home nurses are hot! Plus they're twins! Think I got a shot with one of them?" Ashley looked over at CC. Despite being still pretty weak but he lightly hit CC in the face with his knuckles since his couldn't make a fist yet causing CC to go "Ow. What? One for you one for me." Tina walked back into the room and said "Ok Mr. Purdy, time to take you home."

 While Tina wheeled Ashley to the parking lot to the awaiting medical transport van CC said "You excited buddy? You're finally coming home." The lift went down to the ground and Ashley started to whimper and leaned back in his wheelchair. He had a scared look on his face. Jake said "Whats wrong Ashley?" Tina said "Looks like mild PTSD. That's normal after what Ashley went through. Would one of you like to ride in the van with him? Make him more comfortable since he knows you." Jinxx said "I'll go with him." Jinxx helped the nurses get Ashley's chair secured in the van while the rest of the band got in Jake's car. When they got in the car Andy said "I still think we should get at least cupcakes on the way home to celebrate. I doubt Ashley would mind he's not much of a sweets person anyway." Jake said "Andy we don't have time to get cupcakes the nurses are following us home. If you want them that bad you can go buy them yourself after we get Ashley situated back at home."

The van started and Jinxx noticed Ashley breathing heavily clearly scared. Jinxx put his hand on Ashley's shoulder and said "It's ok Ashley. You're safe. I'm here." Ashley kept head his down the whole time. Scared to look out the van window. Jinxx had his hand on Ashley's back the whole time giving it a light rub ever so often to comfort him. Especially whenever there was a slight bump in the road. Ashley got more comfortable and slightly turned his head to look out the window. Just as his did that a big lifted truck sped by. Similar to the truck that hit Ashley. It scared Ashley causing him to whimper and turn away onto Jinxx'x shoulder. Jinxx comforted him saying "It's ok. It's just a truck going..." He paused when he realized why Ashley got scared. He gave Ashley a hug and said "It's gonna be ok Ashley." Finally they made it home. Jinxx still had his arm around Ashley's shoulder while Ashley kept his head down on Jinxx's shoulder. Jinxx said "Look Ashley, your home now." Jinxx helped the nurses wheel him out of the van while the band got out of the car. Jake said "Welcome home Ashley!" CC said happily "You're finally home!" Andy leaned down and gave Ashley a hug and said "Glad you're finally home Ash."

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