They keep floating up

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It was the day after Ashley started eating solid food again. He was sitting in his wheelchair with the folding tv dinner tray in front of him enjoying a plate of bacon with some eggs (mostly bacon). Jake said "Hey it's gonna be hot today. Anyone wanna go to the pool before lunch?" Ashley said "Sure! I can go for a dip in the pool." Andy said "Well damn! No wonder there was barely any bacon left. Ashley ate most of it!" Ashley said "Hey you had 2 months of being able to eat it all yourself. I'm making up for lost time." 

Jinxx went to sneak a piece of bacon off Ashley's plate while he was talking. Ashley smacked his hand and said "Don't touch my bacon!" Andy said "I'll drive us this time. Ashley you wanna try sitting in the front seat this time?" Ashley said "No thanks, I'll sit on the driver's side in the back though." CC yelled "I call shotgun!" Jake said "Great our legs are gonna be squished." CC said "Only if you sit behind Andy." Andy was slightly insulted and said "Hey!"

They got to the rehab center and went to the changing room. Jake whined "I knew I shouldn't have sat behind Andy with his damn gazelle legs!" Andy said "Oh shut up Jake!" Jinxx and CC went to put Ashley in his diaper cover and swim trunks. Jinxx said "I'm gonna check your diaper and see if you need to be changed." Ashley rolled his eyes and sarcastically said "Great..." As Jinxx pulled his diaper back he immediately put it back and said "Woe! You're doing something..."  Ashley asked slightly worried "What?! What am I doing?" CC said "You're peeing at the moment." 

Ashley could smell something. It stunk and he knew it wasn't pee and Jinxx and CC both had an awkward look on their faces. Ashley asked "What's that smell?" Mind you the day before was the first time Ashley ate solid food in a little over 2 months." Jinxx and CC both looked at each other and said "Uhhhh..." Ashley's eyes went wide. He asked "That smell isn't what I think it it?" CC said "Unfortunately it is, but lets just hurry up and change so we can get in the pool!" causing Ashley to blush in embarrassment a little.

They all got changed and got to the pool. Jake said "Hey Ash, you wanna hangout on the edge of the pool or sit on the steps? I'll hold you up." Ashley said "I'm fine with sitting on the steps for now." CC said "It should be a good exercise for your legs." Ashley said "How? I can't move them yet." Andy said "Maybe the water will make it easier to try." Ashley asked "Wouldn't the water make it HARDER to move my legs?" Andy said "I don't know! Just enjoy the water." Ashley sat on the pool steps and everyone hung out in the shallow end for safety reasons. They didn't wanna be too far away from Ashley in case he tipped over.

While Ashley was sitting there he noticed his legs were floating up and his toes were sticking out of the water. He thought [Man I need my toenails cut. They're looking like talons.] and pushed his legs back down. To his annoyance after he pushed them down they floated right back up. He pushed them back down and they floated right back up again. He grunted in annoyance and shoved them back down and they popped right back up again! Ashley grunted "Ugh!!!" Jake asked "Having a problem with your legs Ashley?" Ashley said "They keep floating up!" Jake asked "Would you like me to carry you around the pool?" Ashley sighed and said "Sure..."

When they got home and got Ashley back in his hospital bed Ashley asked "Hey can someone cut my toenails for me please?" Jinxx said "I'll do it." Ashley said "Thanks man, I can file my own fingernails." Jinxx handed Ashley the nail file and Jinxx took the blanket off Ashley's legs. Before Jinxx started he said "I hope I don't accidentally cut them too short and hurt you." Ashley said "I don't see how, I still can't feel anything. Jinxx cut Ashley's toe nails while Ashley filed his own fingernails. Jinxx said "There! All done." Ashley said "Thanks Jinxx!" Jinxx said "Your welcome, no problem."

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