Hair Woes

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Ashley woke up the next morning. Forgetting he was home he opened his eyes and smiled. He thought [Oh ya that's right I'm home now!] Jinxx walked down stairs and said "Morning Ashley! Ready for your meds?" Ashley nodded. Jinxx said "Let me grab some Boost too. I'm sure you're hungry."  Jinxx did the whole routine. Placed the pills in Ashley's mouth, wrapped his fingers around the cup, and held the straw to his lips. Jinxx said "Ok now that you took your meds how about some breakfast before the nurses get here?"Jinxx helped Ashley drink his Boost. He sucked it down through his straw...and kept going and going. Jinxx said "Damn Ashley! You were hungry! But that's good the more you drink the stronger you'll get. But slow down a little don't make yourself sick"

The morning went on and the rest of the band got up and had their breakfast and coffee when the nurses showed up. After saying their hellos and good mornings Tina asked "Has Ashley had his breakfast today? Jinxx said "Yes I gave him his Boost as soon as I got up this morning" Tanya said "Perfect! So lets brush and floss his teeth and get his hair brushed. Don't worry Ashley I'll be gentle." Andy asked "Does he really need his teeth flossed if he can't chew anything?" Tanya said "Ya its better safe than sorry. We will show you how to do it and how to brush his hair without irritating staples." Ashley asked "Tay-put? (Staples?)" Tina said "Ya you got some staples from the laceration and concussion but don't worry we'll be gentle." Ashley's eyes went wide and he said "I wat tuh tee! (I want to see!)" Jake got a worried look on his face and said "Uhh believe me, no you don't!" and shook his head.

Now Ashley was really concerned! He was able to raise his voice and said "I eed a eeyoh! I eed a eeyoh! (I need a mirror! I need a mirror!)" Jake said "How about we get your hair brushed before we let you see it?" So the nurses and Jake helped place Ashley in his wheelchair and wheeled him to the bathroom. The nurses showed the band how to floss and brush his teeth and rinse with the mouthwash. Since he can't reach the sink at the moment he has to spit in a cup. Then the nurses showed the band how to brush Ashley's hair. When they were done they put him back in his hospital bed and changed his diaper. They were hoping Ashley would forget about seeing his hair. Unfortunately he didn't.

After the nurses got his back in his bed he said "I tih eed a eeyoh. I wat to tee eye air. (I still need a mirror. I want to see my hair.)" The band all looked at each other and sighed. Andy asked Ashley "Are you sure?" Ashley nodded. Andy took out his phone and turned the front facing camera. Andy said "Ok Ashley. But don't freak out." Ashley looked into his phone and yelled (since he couldn't quite scream yet) "AHHHHHH!!!!!!" Jake said "Told ya you didn't want to see it."  Ashley had a huge chunk of hair missing from the side of his head. There was a huge red scabby looking scar being held together by a large amount of staples. Ashley frowned. He went to put his hand to the staples when Tanya stopped him and said "Oh no no no Ashley you can't touch them you have to let it heal." 

The band and nurses said their goodbyes for the morning. Tina said "We'll be back at 6:00 this evening." CC looked over at Ashley who was looking depressed and asked "You ok Ash?" Ashley just looked down and frowned. CC asked "Are you upset about your hair?" Ashley nodded. Jake said "Its ok Ashley it's just hair. It'll grow back." Andy said "How about this? Once the Dr takes the staples out I'll shave the side of your head and even out your hair. Side shaves are in now like that one techno DJ. What's his name?" Jake said "Skrillex?" Andy said "Ya him! And you know what? I'll shave the side of my head too. We can match! Besides I could use a haircut." Ashley looked up and asked "E-we? (Really?)" Andy said "Ya! I promise" Jake said "You know what I'll shave the side of my head too. Sounds like a fun hair-do to try. I promise I'll do it too." Ashley smiled. That made him feel a little better that they would do it too. Jinxx and CC didn't say anything but they appreciated what Jake and Andy were doing. Despite the fact they weren't gonna do that to their hair.

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