They caught who did it

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The day was Monday. The band was chilling in the living room. Jake was strumming his guitar trying to come up with new riffs. CC was purposely screeching along to the melody going "La la LAAAA!!!!" making Ashley cringe. ALL of a sudden CC's phone rang. The caller ID said it was the police department. Andy joked "What you do CC?" CC answered the phone "Hello? Yes." CC looked confused and said "Oh hello Sheriff Porter." CC eyes went wide, "Really? That's great! Oh I don't know how that's going to work he can barely pick up a pen and he still can't speak very clearly. I'm his medical power of attorney so I'll have to sign any paperwork. Does he have to see him? Oh ok great thank you." and hung up. Jinxx asked "Is everything ok?"

 CC said "Good news! They arrested the guy that hit Ashley. Turns out he ran after the accident and they found him in a nearby motel trying to check in with a stolen credit card." Ashley asked "Ine? (Mine?)" CC said "No not yours buddy, everything in your wallet is accounted for. Anyway the guys name is Samuel Blackmore. He has a court date on Thursday and the sheriff wants Ashley there. We also need to go by Wednesday to fill out some paperwork and interview stuff for court." Andy said "Ashley can't go! The nurses come that day." Ashley said "I do'h wah-uh go. I do'h wah-uh tee ib (I don't wanna go. I don't wanna see him.)" Ashley looked afraid.

Jake said "Don't worry Ashley, we'll make sure you don't have to face him." Andy said "Now we're gonna have to find an attorney." CC said "Well I saw a bunch of law offices when I went to talk to the notary. I can contact one of them." Jinxx said "No dude you found the notary I'll find a lawyer." CC said "Well if he's gonna be prosecuted on Thursday you might wanna get crackin' on that. Ashley unfortunately you're gonna have to go with me to the sheriff's office" Andy said "I'll go with you. I wanna see the face of the mother fucker who did this to Ashley." and punched his own palm. Jake said "Calm down there tiger, we don't need you getting arrested." Andy said "So when do they want you there?" CC said "He said today would be the best since the court date is coming up so quickly."

 Jinxx said "Well you guys go, I'll stay here and look for a lawyer." CC said "I'll give you the name of the business I went to. If the lawyers are anything like the notaries you should get an appointment with one by tomorrow." Jake said "Come on Ashley,I'll brush your hair." Andy said "Speaking of hair Ashley I'll wait until after court to shave the side of your head so the lawyer can see what happened to your hair." Jake said "Well his hair is growing out a little so we might have to shave it to show his scar." Andy said "We can get before and after pictures."

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