Letting People Know

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Ashley's been home for 3 days now. The nurses just left from their morning visit. Andy said "You know I am gonna have to tell the label what happened. Jake said "You should probably do that now dude." Andy said "You're right." and went upstairs. He was on the phone for about an hour when he finally came downstairs. He said "Ok they said to go ahead and post what happened and post it to all of the social media we have. They said it may be a good PSA about the dangers of drunk driving. Don't worry they said pictures aren't necessary." So they posted what happened on all their official social media profiles and were immediately flooded with well wishes and concern for Ashley. They posted their PO box too so they knew the gifts were coming next. Ashley's phone kept going off. He was getting annoyed. He couldn't put his phone on silent himself so he looked over at the guys and said "Ehb (help)" and motioned toward his phone that would not stop dinging. Jake said "Here I got you." and put Ashley's phone on silent for a couple hours.

Later that afternoon right after Jinxx turned Ashley's phone off silent he got a phone call. The caller ID said it was his aunt. Ashley looked over and Jake and said "Ah-doh ehh pee (Answer it please). Jake nodded and answered it "Hello? No this is his friend Jake I'm glad you called." He explained what happened. He giggled during the conversation. He said "Ok I'll let him know thank you for calling. Ok Ashley that was your aunt who's a nurse. She said she loves you and hopes you heal up soon. She will let the rest of your family know whats happening and to call her if we need any help." CC said "We heard you giggle. What was that about?" Jake giggled and said "Oh I told her about how Ashley has to regain his bladder strength and she wanted to wish us good luck re-potty training him because it was nearly impossible to do when they had to do it the first time when he was a baby since he's very stubborn." Ashley was shocked and insulted and he said "I nah tuh orn! (I'm not stubborn!)"  Jinxx said "Oh yes you are! You're as stubborn as Andy!" Insulted Andy said "Hey!"

A couple days after they posted what happened they had a video call interview with a rock magazine to explain what happened to Ashley. One of the interviewer guys asked "So how does Ashley go to the bathroom?" The band looked at each other then looked over at Ashley in his hospital bed. Ashley shook his head no and Andy said "We can't say we promised Ashley we wouldn't talk about it." Andy continued to babble on like he always does. Jinxx and Jake helped Ashley into his wheelchair so he could be part of the interview. CC went upstairs and grabbed Ashley's bandanna and hat to hide his hair and scars. CC whispered into Ashley's ear "I won't tie it too tight so I don't hurt your staples."

CC wheeled Ashley next to the couch. The guy that was interviewing him said "Hi Ashley! How are you?" Ashley said the best he could "Ha I good. (Hi I'm good)". The interviewer said "Glad to see you're doing well. Wishing you a speedy recovery." Ashley said "Take hoo. (thank you)." After the interview was over Jake and Jinxx helped Ashley back into his hospital bed. Ashley said "I wah to go to I hoo (I want to go to my room)." Jinxx said "But Ashley we have to keep you down here to take care of you easier." Ashley pouted and said "Peed! I it I ed. (Please! I miss my bed.) Andy said "Well the nurses don't come back for another 3 hours. I'm sure letting him chill upstairs in his room for a couple hours won't hurt. We can get him back downstairs before the nurses come back." CC said "I'll go upstairs with him." Jake picked him up bridal style and started carrying him up the stairs. He looked back and said "What? I don't do P90X and take whey protein for nothing!" CC and Jake took Ashley to his room and laid him on his bed. CC said "Alright Ash I'll be in my room watching South Park. If you need me just yell." But when he looked over at Ashley he was already passed out asleep. Jake said "Wow I guess his bed is more comfortable than the hospital bed."

The Accident, The Recovery, and a DiscoveryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat