He's awake

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*Since Ashley will not be able to enunciate clearly I'll be putting what he's trying to say in parenthesis. ( )

The band arrived at the hospital and got the room number Ashley was in. They raced up to his room in excitement to see him alive. When they arrived to his room his Dr was in the doorway.  Jake asked "Is this the room Ashley Purdy is in?" The Dr said "Oh yes you must be his roommates?" They all nodded. The Dr continued "I'm Dr Booth, now before you come in I must warn you Mr. Purdy does have some wounds and he may not remember you so don't be discouraged." The Dr lead them into his room. They were in shock at how badly injured Ashley was. He looked over at them and his heart monitor started beeping faster. One of the nurses said "Oh his heart rate went up." Andy asked concerned "Is that a bad thing?'  Dr Booth said "Oh no no its a good thing! It means he recognizes you and must be excited to see you! Why don't you boys try saying hello to him?" 

CC said quietly "Hey buddy, how you doin'?".  Ashley whispered back "ha tee-tee (hi CC)". CC smiled and said "He remembers me." Jinxx tried next and said "Hi Ashley." Ashley said "ha deek (hi Jinxx)." Jinxx said "Hey two for two that's good." Jake took his turn, "Hey bro." Ashley said "ha dake (hi Jake)".  Finally it was Andy's turn, "Hey Ashley glad to see you're awake." Ashley said "hay addy (hey Andy)". Dr Booth said "This is good he remembers all of you that's a step in the right direction. Now to discuss his condition." The band gathered around Ashley's bed and listened carefully. Ashley attempted to listen to the best of his comprehension.

Dr Booth explained "In the accident he sustained a major concussion which resulted in the temporary brain damage. Because of this brain damage he won't be able to enunciate his words or grasp onto objects especially small ones so I'll need you to sign some forms for him as a medical power of attorney. Which means you need to find a notary but don't worry the hospital can provide you with some pamphlets and web sites. He also has spinal and nerve damage which has caused temporary paralyses  from the waist down. Because of this he will be wheelchair bound until he can regain the strength to walk but he will have to use a walker at first. Unfortunately due to the paralyses he has no feeling from the waist down. Which means no bladder or bowel control. He will have no idea when he even has to..."go". So he is going to have to wear....how can I put this? An adult incontinence product."

The band looked confused. Jinxx asked "An adult what now?" Dr Booth sighed,looked over at Ashley, looked back at the band and said "An adult diaper." All their eyes went wide and Ashley made a distressed moaning  sound "uhhh?! (huhhh?!)" Dr Booth continued by saying "Oh good your comprehension is still there. Anyway, now because of all this there is the option to have him temporarily stay in an assistant care facility." Ashley looked in shock at the Dr. and looked a little worried. Jake spoke up quickly "Oh actually we discussed it and we decided we would take care of him at home." Dr. Booth said "Wow you guys are really good friends to care about him enough to be willing to do that. Very well. He won't be released for a few days but we can get you set up with some at home nurses. They'll show you how to care for him, feed him, bath him,administer his medication, and uhh (he looked at Ashley)...change him." Ashley groaned. 

Jinxx said "We're willing to help in any way we can." They all nodded in agreement. Dr Booth said "We will send you home with some medical equipment." Andy asked "What kind of medical equipment?" Dr Booth said "His medication, a shower chair, a wheelchair, a walker, a raised toilet cover, some diapers...sorry Ashley." Ashley huffed. Dr Booth asked "Is your home 2 story or 1? " Jake said "2 stories why?" Dr Booth said "Ok so we will be sending you home with a hospital bed as well. It'll be easier to care for him by keeping him downstairs."  Ashley groaned in frustration. Dr Booth said "I'll have the nurses show you how to properly change and sanitize him during changes before he's released. I'll have them give each of you an opportunity to practice." Ashley let out a groan of absolute embarrassment and weakly lifted his hand to his face attempting to cover it despite not having the dexterity to do so. His hands were in weakly half opened fists that he lifted to his eyebrows.

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