Pool Day

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It's been a couple days since Ashley's Dr appointment. Jinxx was helping Ashley practice making a fist. Jinxx said "Good job Ashley! you got your fingers to close! Pretty soon you'll be able to squeeze them."  Jake said "Ashley you think you can get your arms above your head?" Ashley lifted his arms. He got his thumbs up to his temples. Jake said "Hey way to go Ash! That's farther up than you got yesterday!" CC walked through the door. He said "I'm home! I got Ashley's pain meds and I got him some soft foods!" Andy asked "Any thing for us chuppy?" CC said "You have my presence. You're welcome." Andy rolled his eyes. CC said "Remember you guys, the soft foods are for Ashley ONLY! So nobody touch the...uhhh...what did I get?" Jinxx asked "You forgot what you bought already?" Andy said "Well he's still got some Boost to finish first." CC said "Still don't touch the soft food. It's for Ashley only!" Jake said "Hey how about after lunch we check out the swimming pool at the rehab center? It's HOT!" Jinxx said "Well what do you think Ashley? Up for a dip in the pool? It'll help relax your muscles. Plus it is hot and I'm bored." Andy,trying to be funny, said "Oh am I boring to you?" Jinxx snickered "Shut up Andy. So you wanna go Ashley?" Ashley shrugged his shoulders and said "Otay. (Ok.)" He really didn't want to but he didn't want to show he was nervous about going in the pool. It was a hot day after all and he didn't want to be a let down to the rest of the guys.

Jake gave Ashley some Boost for lunch. When he opened the bottle he said "Mmmm Ashley this stuff actually smells pretty good." After they all had lunch Jinxx drove them to the rehabilitation center pool since CC didn't feel like driving again. Jake and Andy put Ashley in his swim trunks while Jinxx and CC got into theirs. Andy said "Woe this diaper cover is like a plastic speedo!" After they got him in his swim trunks they changed they got into theirs while Jinxx and CC wheeled him to the pool and put their stuff down. When Jake and Andy met them at the pool they had to figure out how to get Ashley in the water. CC asked "Should we try and put him in that crane chair thing?" Ashley immediately shook his head no and "Mmm-mmm!" Jinxx said "Looks like that's a no. So who's gonna carry him into the pool? I'd do it but I wouldn't be able to get him in very deep." Jake asked "Does he really have to go in that deep?' CC said "Well we gotta get him in far enough to be able to feel the water since he can't feel anything from the waist down." Jinxx said "Andy your the tallest. Why don't you carry him? You can carry him in the farthest without the water getting too high for you." CC said "Are you implying that you're short?" Jinxx said "No...shut up." Andy said "But I'm not much of a swimmer. Especially to go to the deep end." Jake said "Dude your tall enough you don't even have to swim you can just stand there." Andy nodded and said "Good point." Jinxx said "Ok I'll carry him into the warer and hand him off to Jake. Jake you hand him off to CC. And CC you hand him off to Andy. Like an assembly line."

Ashley wasn't too thrilled with that idea. He thought [Great I'm gonna be passed around like a hot potato.] Jinxx picked him up with a grunt and walked into the water. Jake followed him in and took Ashley from Jinxx saying "I gotcha buddy." Jake giggled and said "Hey, just like carrying a baby!" Ashley wasn't having any of that. Ashley put his fingers in Jake's hair and hooked his finger in a tangle Jake had in his hair and yanked it back. Though since Ashley's still kinda weak it was more like a tug. Jake said "Oww! Sorry!" CC came into the water and took Ashley saying "Gimme gimme before you piss him off." Then when Andy came into the water CC handed Ashley to him and said "Here ya go!" Andy nervously took Ashley into his arms. They looked into each other's eyes awkwardly. Ashley thought [Andy you are WAY too close to me face.] and leaned back a little. The band talked and swam for a while. Andy just walked around a little in the water. Andy said "This was a pretty fun idea, right Ashley?" When he looked he was surprised at what he saw. Ashley fell asleep. He was snoring a little. Andy said "Guys, look, Ashley fell asleep." Jinxx said "This is adorable, I gotta get a picture." Jake said "Jinxx you post that Ashley will kill you!" Jinxx said "Relax, I would never!" Jinxx got out of the pool and got his phone. He said "Ok move in closer...and...smile! Got it." CC said "Ok I think we gotta go home now before the nurses get there. Lets wake him up." Andy shook Ashley a little saying "Ashley, Ashley wake up. You fell asleep." Ashley yawned and they all got out of the pool. After they dried off they went to the changing room and Jake and Jinxx changed Ashley back into his dry clothes. After Andy and CC changed into their dry clothes they wheeled Ashley to the car to wait for Jake and Jinxx to get changed. They got in the car and left and made it home just in time. Tanya and Tina showed up a half hour after they got home.

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