Finding a Notary

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It was early the next morning when Jinxx got up to use the bathroom. While washing his hands he thought "What the hell I'm already up might as well make some coffee." On the way down the stairs he saw a light. He thought "What the hell is that?" He was surprised to see CC on his laptop. He looked exhausted. He asked "CC?" causing CC to jump. Sleepily CC said "Oh hey Jinxx." Worried Jinxx asked "Dude have you been up all night? What are you doing?!" CC said "I'm looking for a notary but I think I found the perfect office. I just gotta call them." Jinxx said "Dude it's 6am  I can assure you they aren't open yet. You need to get some sleep before we go visit Ashley again." CC said "I wanna be able to call as soon as they open so I can get it notarized that I'm Ashley's power of attorney. The sooner I do it the sooner he can come home." Jinxx said "CC we have no idea when Ashley will even be able to come home. Come on let's get you to bed you need to sleep for a few hours." Jinxx helped CC up to his room "Goodnight CC.".  CC Yawned "Goodnight Jinxx or is it good morning?" Jinxx rolled his eyes "Just go to sleep dude."

CC only slept 4 and a half hours. When he woke up he looked at the clock and said "Shit I need to call them before they go to lunch!" He ran down the stairs to grab his laptop. Jinxx said "Oh your up, your laptop is right where you left it." CC grabbed it quickly and said "Thanks gonna call them now." and ran upstairs. Andy asked "What's he doing?" Jinxx said "He found a notary he wants to call them as soon as possible." Jake said "That's responsible. Hopefully it wont take too long so we can grab some food on the way to see Ashley." Andy asked "Wouldn't it be rude to eat in front of Ashley?" Jake rolled his eyes "Well obviously we would eat in the car on the way there. Not in front of him Andy! And before anyone asks we're taking my car nobody spill anything in it!"

Jinxx said "We should probably go to Starbucks. CC could use some coffee." Jake asked "Why do you say that?". Jinxx explained "I found CC downstairs at 6:00 this morning looking for a notary. He was up all night. I had to tell him to go to bed." Suddenly CC came down the stairs still on the phone "Tuesday as in tomorrow? 10am? And Ask for Angela? Thank you so much!" Andy asked "You found a notary CC?" CC said "Yup I go to her office tomorrow morning to sign the paperwork, she stamps it, and we're all set!" Jinxx asked "You did explain to her it's only temporary right?" CC said "Of course! And she said she can make it work." Jake said "That's great! Now lets go see Ashley and tell him the good news. You want me to stop by Starbucks so you can get some coffee CC?" CC whined "Yes please...I'll take a nap in the car."

They got to the hospital to tell Ashley the good news. As soon as Ashley saw CC he thought [Damn CC looks tired. Wonder what happened to him.] CC said "Good news Ashley! I found a notary and tomorrow I go down to her office to become your official temporary medical power of attorney!" Ashley smiled slightly less weaker than usual and said "dat gayt ew. (thats great news.)"

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