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The next morning was a rough one. Nobody slept very well. Everybody's barely eaten because of being so nervous. Basically just snacked and nibbled last night and this morning. Andy was getting frustrated and said "Ugh why haven't they called yet?!" Jake sighed and said "Andy you heard the nurse, they'll call us when he wakes up." Andy said "It's 10am how is he still not awake yet? Jake are you sure you have your ringer up?" Getting slightly irritated Jake said "Yes Andy I've told you 3 times this morning I have my ringer all the way up to max volume and no I don't have my phone on silent I'm not telling you again!" Jinxx tiredly said "Ok everyone just calm down its been a long night this is not the time to argue." They continued to wait barely speaking. Everyone trapped in their own minds with worry. Finally an hour and a half later the silence was abruptly  broken by the sound of Jake's phone ringing causing everyone to jump. Jake sprung up yelling "I got it! I got it!" 

Nearly tripping over the dining room chair with an "Oww that hurt!" he looked at his phone. He proclaimed "Its the hospital!" Everyone sighed a breath of relief saying "Finally." Jake answered "Hello? Yes this is Jake Pitts. Oh good thank god! Oh? Oh...Ok. Really? Ok thank you we will be there right away." Jake hung up looking concerned. CC asked "Well?" Jake said "Well...good news is Ashley's awake." Everyone smiled. "But,(causing everyone to stop smiling) his condition isn't good. The Dr said all the damage is temporary but he has brain damage and is paralyzed from the waste down. He's nearly a vegetable but can slightly communicate. They'll explain in more detail and discuss his recovery when we get there. The Dr said he may have to go to an assistant living facility until he recovers fully."

Everyone looked at each other worried. Jinxx said "Maybe he won't have to go to an assistant living facility." Jake said "Jinxx the Dr said he's paralyzed and nearly a vegetable. He's going to need a lot of help." Jinxx looked around and said "Why can't we do it?" Confused CC said "Do what?" Jinxx said "Why can't we take care of him?" Andy said "Because we're a band not medical professionals." Jinxx said "Look we are 4 full grown adult men, and Ashley's our friend. Our band mate. Our brother! Do you really think he's gonna want to be put in a home? He would be more comfortable at home with us. He knows us we aren't a bunch of strangers." Jake said "Uhh Jinxx as much of a good point that is there's just one slight problem besides the not being medical professionals. Due to his brain damage he might not remember us at first."

The room went silent for a minute. CC asked "Wait Jake the Dr said the damage was temporary right?" Jake said "Right." CC said "Maybe Jinxx's idea isn't too bad. We can bring Ashley home and get him used to us and maybe help jog his memory and help him remember us until his brain damage heals." Andy added "So that way when he does regain his memory of us he'll already be home with us and not around a bunch of strangers! CC your a genius!" Jinxx got irritated and said "CC?! Andy it was MY idea!" Andy said "Oh right sorry, your a genius." Jinxx nodded and said "Thank you." Jake said "Ok sounds like a plan. He comes home with us and we take care of him. Now lets get to the hospital and let the Dr know he's coming home with us!" Andy yelled "I'll drive!" Jinxx argued "You drove last time!" Andy argued back "So?!" CC called out as he grabbed his keys "Will you two shut up? I'm driving now let's go!"

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