First Dr Appointment

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It's been two weeks since Ashley came home. It was Thursday morning and Ashley had his first post operation release Dr appointment. For his speech and physical therapy. The band agreed they would all go to all of his Dr appointments. Jinxx had his car keys in his hand and said "Come on we're gonna be late!" Andy said "Hold on let me fix Ashley's hair. I'm trying to style it in the way he likes it." Jake said "Does it really matter? The Dr needs to look at the staples anyway." CC rolled Ashley in his wheelchair to Jinxx's car. Ashley got nervous again. CC said "It's ok Ashley I'll be sitting next to you." Jake said "And I'll be sitting on the other side. Andy try to not squish my legs." Andy said "I'll try."

Ashley kept looking down the whole car ride still too afraid to look out the window. They arrived at the Dr's office and Jake and Andy helped Ashley into his wheelchair. Jinxx rolled him in and CC filled out his paper work. They finally got called into the office. It was a rehabilitation center so they were all able to go into the office. The Dr came in and said "Hi! I'm Dr Smith. Lets get started with some light arm exercise." He had Ashley practice opening and closing his fists and lifting his arms above his head. That way he can regain strength to hold his own cup and move his own wheelchair.

The Dr had looked at Ashley's hospital charts and how he did during today's session. He said "From what I can see I can determine that Ashley's speech has progressed enough to once he finishes off the remaining Boost he has left he can start eating soft foods." Ashley was happy and said "Yeth! (Yes!)" while he tried to lift his arms up to cheer. He was able to almost make a fist but he could only get his hands lifted to his ears due to still being a little weak and tired from the days exorcise. Dr Smith continued "I recommend he eat soft canned or boiled vegetables. You don't have to mash them it just has to be cooked soft enough to not have to chew. I also recommend mashed potatoes, apple sauce, and small noodles like macaroni or rotini. Also he can drink plain milkshakes as long as there's no chunks in it. Also I advise not to drink anything hot, carbonated, or alcoholic yet."

Jinxx asked "Can he drink boba tea?" Dr Smith said "No, no boba tea yet, potential choking hazard." Ashley moaned in disappointment "Aww!" Jinxx said "Sorry buddy." Dr Smith said "The weather is starting to warm up. The rehabilitation center does have a swimming pool you're welcome to use while Ashley is in treatment. It'll be good exercise and relaxing for his muscles." Jake asked "But isn't that dangerous since he can't move his legs yet?" Dr Smith said "Well we do have a special swing crane type of chair he can sit in. Though it may be easier to just hold him up in the water." Andy said "Well he has to wear a diaper. How would that work in the pool?" Ashley rolled his eyes and thought [Really Andy? You had to bring that up?] Dr Smith said "Oh don't worry about that. We have plastic covers he can put on over the diaper to protect it and he can wear his swim trunks over it." CC said "We will definitely be coming back to check it out after his next treatment session!" Dr Smith said "No need to wait! You can come back by tomorrow or even later today if you like!" CC said "Even better!"

The Accident, The Recovery, and a DiscoveryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang