Arriving at the Hospital

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CC was getting annoyed, "Andy for fuck sake slow down!" Andy said "Sorry I just wanna hurry and I'm nervous." Jake said "We're all nervous bro but watch your speed!" Finally they arrived at the emergency room and rushed into the waiting room. Andy while trying to catch his breath panting said "Hi excuse me we're here to see Ashley Purdy he just arrived by ambulance." The nurse replied "Are you the family?" Andy said "No his roommates he has no family out here." ~(again,just go with it)~  "You said Ashley Purdy? Let me look her up." Jake corrected her "No no no he's a dude." The nurse said slightly embarrassed "My apologies. Mr. Purdy is in spinal surgery right now. It may be a while it's best you come back in the morning." Jinxx said slightly frightened "Spinal surgery?!". The nurse replied "Yes and unfortunately he did lose a lot of blood at the crash site according to his chart so this is a high risk surgery. There's no telling how long this surgery will take but you can go home and we will call you in the morning." CC, obviously annoyed, said "The morning? We don't wanna wait till morning we want to know immediately when he wakes up!" Calmly the nurse replied "Unfortunately sir due to his head injury and severity of his surgery there's no telling when he'll wake up." They were all taken aback by what she said. Jake calmly said "Thank you, here's my number as soon as he wakes up." After Jake gave the nurse his contact information they drove home in silence. All nervous about the outcome. They never ended up eating and none of them slept very well that night.

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