Limbs, Staples, and Beans

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Jinxx woke up Ashley the next morning, "Ashley...wake up. Time for breakfast. You got a busy day today."  Ashley yawned. Jinxx continued "You've got your first day of limb workouts at physical therapy AND today's the day you've been waiting get your staples out today!" Ashley's head shot up and his eyes went wide. A big smile grew across his face. Jinxx said "I knew that would get your attention. Here, I made you breakfast." Ashley cringed and said "Ut tuh uck it tat? (What the fuck is that?)" Jinxx said "Its cream of wheat. I may have put a LITTLE too much milk in it." Ashley thought [That looks like alien puke.] Jinxx said "Oh and we're gonna stop by the PO box and pick up our fan mail. It's most likely mostly for you." Jake said "Ya you know there's gotta be a lot there when they're texting us to come get our mail." Andy said "Ya all our phones went off." Just then Andy's phone started ringing. He said "Oh it's the studio. I'll be right back." and ran upstairs to take the call. 

Jinxx held up a spoonful of cream of wheat and said "Eat up Ashley! You're gonna need your strength for today." Ashley cringed at the runny breakfast. Jinxx said "Sorry Ash." CC said "Jinxx you know you can drain the excess water out before feeding that to him." Jinxx said "Oh ya huh. Good point." Andy came back downstairs and said "Bad news guys. I have to go to a meeting at the studio and one of you has to come with me. Obviously it can't be CC since he has to sign off for Ashley's paperwork."  Jake said "Jinxx why don't you go with Andy? Me and CC can lift up Ashley without a problem." Jinxx said "Why? Because you do P90X and that whey protein crap?" Jake flexed his arms and said "Exactly." Jinxx rolled his eyes and said "Ok I'll go. Me and Andy can stop by the PO box after the meeting before the post office closes." 

Andy and Jinxx helped get Ashley into CC's car. CC said "Ok Ashley do you want to sit next to the window or in the middle seat?" Ashley was still nervous about car rides so he said "Iddo peed Tee-tee. (Middle please CC.)" CC smiled and said "My name is CC, not titty Ashley!" making Ashley laugh. Ashley hadn't sat in the back seat alone since his accident. Jake noticed the nervous look on Ashley's face when he got in the back seat so Jake got in the back seat with him and said "I'll sit next to you Ashley." Ashley said "Tank Take.(Thanks Jake.)" The first stop was Dr Smith at the rehab for his limb exercise. He said "Ok Mr Purdy today we are going to continue practicing getting your arms above your head pushing them out away from your body. Afterwards we're also going to start leg workouts to get your muscles functioning again. Your in-home nurses will continue these exercises during their visits. I'll also show your friends here how to do it as well." During his leg workouts Dr Smith said "This is called the bicycle method." as he lifted Ashley's knees and straightened his legs back and forth continuously.

After physical therapy the next stop was to see Dr Booth to get Ashley's staples out. When they arrived at the office Dr Booth asked "Are you excited to finally get these staples out Ashley?" Ashley smiled and said "Yeth! (Yes!)"  Dr Booth said "Ok you have quite a bit and you may feel some light tugging but it shouldn't hurt." It felt like the staples wouldn't end. He just kept pulling more and more out. Finally he said "Ok Ashley last one!" and pulled the last one out. Ashley felt so relieved and excited because of the promise Jake and Andy made about his hair and theirs. When they got Ashley back in the car he asked "Weh cah I geh uh sigh oh eye heah tayf? (When can I get the side of my head shaved?)" Jake said "Dude you just got your staples out a few minutes ago. You gotta wait till your scalp heals a little." Ashley groaned "Awww." Andy and Jinxx got home a few minutes before they did. CC said "Damn that's a lot of fan mail!" Jinxx said "Ya and wouldn't ya know it? It's mostly for Ashley!" Ashley smiled. 

Jake and CC showed Andy and Jinxx Ashley's leg work out. Jinxx said "I'm hungry let's eat lunch." Andy said "I wanna try feeding Ashley again." Jinxx said "Remember, no mode of transportation sounds." Andy said "Ok Ashley how about some baked beans for lunch?" Jake said "Baked beans? You're gonna feed him just baked beans for lunch? I don't think that's such a good idea." Andy said "Why not? They're soft and I'll give him some jello afterwards." Jake shrugged his shoulders and held up his hands as he shook his head. CC said "You know those baked beans always come with a piece of bacon inside." Andy said "Oh don't worry, I'll eat that." Ashley moaned in disappointment "Aww!" Andy said "Sorry Ashley safety first." Ashley thought [I can't believe he's gonna feed me just baked beans and I can't even have the ONE piece of bacon in it.] After lunch Andy said "How about we work off your lunch with some leg exorcises?" Ashley,CC,Jake, and Jinxx all looked at each other knowing this was a bad idea. CC was trying to not giggle and said "Sure, go ahead Andy." Ashley gave CC a concerned look and thought [What the fuck are you doing? He just fed me a bunch of beans!] Andy grabbed Ashley's ankles and started doing the bicycle method. Obviously Ashley couldn't feel what was about to happen. All of the sudden Ashley let out a loud fart.  Andy turned his face away and said "Eww gross I can smell that one!" Jake,CC,Jinxx,and Ashley all started laughing. Jake said "I told you that giving him beans for lunch was a bad idea!"

The Accident, The Recovery, and a DiscoveryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt