First Night Home

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The nurses set Ashley up in front of the tv. Tina handed Jake a paper bag full of pills. She said "These are his first prescription of pain killers and antibiotics. Its a two week supply of each. There's no refills on the antibiotics and one refill for another 2 weeks worth of the pain killers. He needs to take both every 6 hours." Tanya held of a box. She said "These are Boost nutritional shakes. It is recommended Ashley drinks these until the Dr says otherwise. Through a straw. He has a Dr's appointment 2 weeks from today. Once the Dr gives the go ahead for Ashley to eat soft foods have him finish off any Boost he has first. Tina asked "Is there a shower downstairs Ashley can use?" Jake said "Yes the master bedroom is downstairs and has a walk in shower. We use it as a recording studio so it wont bother anybody for Ashley to use it." Tanya said "That's great! So are there six or seven bedrooms? Since there's a lot of people that live here?"

Andy said "That's where things get kinda complicated." He explained "The master bedroom is downstairs but since Jake does all the mixing for Black Veil Brides we put CC's drum kit in there and converted it into a home recording studio. I sleep in the office but I guess it's called a study. Jake, Jinxx, and CC have their own bedrooms. Ashley sleeps in the den since it has a door. Luckily there's a bathroom upstairs but it has a bathtub shower."

Tanya explained "Ok this is how our schedule is going to work. This is Thursday night. We we will come twice a day once in the morning once in the evening every day starting tomorrow all the way to not this coming Saturday but next Saturday. Then starting that Sunday we will come only once a day in the evening all the way to Saturday. After that we will come once a day in the evening Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday for that week. Then once a week in the evening Monday,Wednesday,Friday, the week after that. Then Tuesday evening and Thursday evening the week after that. Then Wednesday evening the week after that which will be our last week"

Tina said "So you get us for a total of 6 weeks. How about we give Ashley a shower before we leave?" Ashley thought [SWEET! The hot twin nurses are gonna be rubbing on my naked wet body. Hope I don't accidentally pop a boner. Can I do that if I'm paralyzed?] Tanya said "If you 4 would come with me and Tina we will show you how to bathe him in his shower chair." Ashley thought [So much for a boner...] CC went upstairs to Ashley's room to grab him some shorts and a tank to sleep in. Ashley hated that the guys were in there while he was being bathed. Especially when Tanya showed them how to wash his "private area". Tina showed them where to place the towels in his wheelchair.  He was glad she at least his tank top on him but wheeled him to his bed pants-less. Then the nurses gave the band a review on how to change his diaper. Instead of fighting it Ashley just sighed and dropped his hands to his sides in defeat and closed his eyes.

The nurses showed the band how to hold the straw up to Ashley's lips so he can drink his Boost and how to wrap his fingers around the bottle and hold them there to help him regain muscle memory. After they left the band ate dinner and put Ashley's phone on the charger and gave it to him even though he couldn't hold it yet. Then laid his phone on one side and the tv remote on the other. CC helped him pick something to watch until he was ready to go to sleep. CC said "Ok just say stop when you I land on something you want to watch." CC slowly scrolled so Ashley could pick. Ashley said "Op! (Stop!)" when CC landed on a documentary about mushrooms. CC asked "Are you sure?" and Ashley said "Ah.(Ya.)"

The band went to bed leaving Ashley alone downstairs. He got bored of the tv and was able to press the power off button. He had to press what seemed kinda hard to him but that's only because he's still weak. He quickly fell asleep soon after...

Ashley started having a nightmare. Everything was in slow motion. The night of the car crash happening over and over again. The impact. The flip. The diagnosis when he woke up in the hospital. The embarrassing diaper change in front of the band. It's like it was on a loop repeating over and over again but in slow motion. CC got up to use the restroom and give Ashley his medication. It was easier to have CC to do it since he's a night owl. CC can hear whimpering coming from downstairs. He thought "What the hell is that?" He saw Ashley struggling in his sleep. He quickly went downstairs to wake him up. He turned on the table lamp and lightly shook his shoulder saying "Ashley. Ashley wake up!" Ashley woke up with a gasp and tears in his eyes. CC said "Its ok you were only dreaming it's over now. Here, let me get you a glass of water and a straw so you can take your medications."

CC followed the nurses instructions about the straw and positioning Ashley's fingers. Ashley couldn't get the pills in his mouth so CC had to help him. CC said "Here open your mouth and I'll put them in for you." Reluctantly Ashley opened his mouth while CC placed the pills in Ashley's mouth and brought the straw to  Ashley's lips. After Ashley was done CC said "Might as well check your diaper while I'm down here." Ashley broke down in tears. Worried CC asked "Did I say something wrong?" Ashley shook his head no. CC asked "Are you in pain?" Ashley shook his head no. CC asked "Are you embarrassed that we have to take care of you?" Ashley nodded.

CC explained "Ashley you have nothing to be embarrassed about. We want to take care of you. We volunteered. Otherwise the hospital wanted to put you in a home. We didn't want you to be by yourself in an unfamiliar place being cared for by a bunch of strangers. I know your embarrassed but we're all guys. We all have dicks. It's nothing we haven't seen before. So how about I change your diaper so you can go back to sleep? Besides what kind of friend would I be if I let you sit in your own waste?" Ashley nodded. CC said "Ok this is typically a two person job but everyone else is asleep so bare with me I have an idea."

CC took Ashley's shorts off and got the "not so" bright idea to put one of Ashley's legs on one shoulder and his other leg on his other shoulder to prop up his bottom half. Ashley laid there thinking [What the hell is he doing?!] CC finished cleaning and changing Ashley and put his shorts back on. CC said "See? That wasn't so hard! Easy-peasey-lemon-sqeezey." slightly out of breath. He threw the soiled diaper away and before turning the lamp off he looked over at Ashley while smiling and said "Goodnight Ashley." Ashley smiled back before CC turned the lamp off. Then chuckled when he heard CC trip going up the stairs when CC said "I'm ok!"

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