Down to the Sheriff's Station

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Jinxx stayed home and looked for lawyers. Andy drove the rest of the band to the sheriff's station. Jake and CC sat in the backseat with Ashley. Ashley was still uncomfortable in the car but at least now he can look out the window without getting nervous. They got to the sheriff's station and wheeled Ashley inside. The lady at the desk asked "Can I help you gentlemen?" CC said "Ya I'm Christopher Mora we're here to speak with Sheriff Porter, he wanted to see us." 

She said "Sure let me call him for you, Sheriff Porter we have a Christopher Mora here to see you." Sheriff Porter stepped into the lobby and said "Mr. Mora?" CC said "Yes that's me." The sheriff shook his hand and said "Sheriff Porter", he looked down at Ashley and held out his hand and said "And you must be Ashley Purdy." Ashley grabbed his hand to try to shake it. Andy said "Oh he's still pretty weak." Sheriff Porter said "I see, come with me gentlemen we have some things to discuss." Jake said "Before we do that, Ashley said he doesn't want to see who hit him."

Sheriff Porter said "Not an issue. He's locked up. I'll give you details in my office." After they got settled in his office the sheriff explained "I hope you're healing well Mr Purdy. Samuel Blackmore is going to be charged with a felony hit and run and driving under the influence. He will be fined 10,000 dollars and up to 4 years in prison plus a year in county jail and another 1,000 dollars for the credit card fraud but that has nothing to do with you. He will be prosecuted on Thursday and we will need you to make a statement." CC said "He has in-home nurses that are coming that day so he can't go. That and he can't speak very clearly and he's made it very clear to us he does not want to see who did this to him." 

Sheriff Porter said "You'll have to arrange with your lawyer to have them come in on his behalf. The court date is on Thursday and I wish you the best of luck in your recovery and maybe I'll see you then." They all shook the sheriff's hand when the sheriff looked at Andy he asked "Aren't you the one who showed up to the crime scene wanting to retrieve Ashley's belongings?" Andy said "Yes that was me. Am I in trouble?" Sheriff Porter said "No not in trouble but I thought I recognized you."

When they got home and in the house Jinxx said "Hey CC you were right that office you recommended is fast! She agreed to come here tomorrow morning so Ashley doesn't have to travel. What did you find out?" CC said "That's great! The dudes gonna be charged with a felony hit and run and put in prison for 4 years and fined 10,000 dollars." Jinxx said "Hey that's a down payment on a car." CC helped Ashley drink some water when Jake said "I hope when he goes to prison his cell mate makes him his bitch!" causing  Ashley to spit some water out in shock. Jake grabbed a paper towel and said "Sorry dude." CC said "At least the lawyer should be done before the nurses get here. Looks like we have some house cleaning to do." Andy went to sneak away upstairs when CC said "As in ALL OF US dude! Get back down here!

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