Please Shave Me

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The band got home from the pool that day. After Jake and CC got him in his hospital bed to wait for the nurses to show up Ashley started thinking about what he saw when getting changed into his swim trunks. He thought [Damn. Wonder if there's a way to let them know I want a shower. Hope I can get the nurses to shave me. It's TIME! Not a good look.] Jinxx pulled him out of his thoughts and asked "I'll make dinner tonight. What do you guys want?" Jake said "I want sushi!" Jinxx said "Jake you always want sushi. I'm not making sushi." Jake said "No but you can buy it." Annoyed Jinxx said "I'm not buying sushi." Ashley thought to himself [I want Chinese. I miss solid food.] Andy chimed in "I want barbie-q chicken nuggets!" Jinxx asked "You mean barbie-q chicken WINGS?" Andy said cheerfully "No, I mean nuggets." CC said "Andy how about something for ADULTS?" Andy said "Nuggets are for adults! You don't have to be a kid to be able to eat nuggets!" Luckily the doorbell rang before they could start arguing. Jinxx said "Thank god the nurses are here."

After saying their hellos and welcoming the nurses in the band let them know about their day at the pool. Tina said "Glad you guys had fun! How about we give Ashley a shower and rinse all that pool water off?" Ashley thought [Yes! One less thing to try and communicate.] CC and the nurses got Ashley into his wheelchair,wheeled him to the bathroom and into his shower chair. Jinxx followed behind them while Andy got some towels and Jake got Ashley's pajamas. After Jinxx and CC helped the nurses get Ashley settled into his shower chair he started peeing. Ashley was extremely embarrassed and said "Oh d'oh I towwy! (Oh no I'm sorry!)" then looked down blushing. CC said "It's ok Ashley, you didn't mean to. You can't feel anything remember?" Tanya said "At least it happened in the shower. Lets get you cleaned up."  The nurses and the band got Ashley cleaned and showered. Before Tanya could turn the water off Ashley asked "Cah oo hayf ehh peed? (Can you shave me please?)" Tina said "Well that's not in our job description but I'm they (motioning towards the band) could help you." 

CC asked "Where do you wanna be shaved?" even though he knew exactly where Ashley wanted to be shaved since it was now unfortunately noticeable. Ashley said "Uhh..." and looked down then motioned towards his armpit and face. Jake asked concerned "You want one of us to shave you?" Ashley nodded. Jinxx said "Are you sure? Nothing wrong with letting it grow." Ashley cringed and nodded and thought [That's disgusting. I don't want my armpit hair long enough to braid like yours.] Andy said "I think CC's the most qualified to shave...uhm... his area." CC asked "Why do you say that?" Andy said "We've seen how low you wear your jeans CC. You can get the closest shave." CC looked and Ashley and Ashley nodded. CC said "Are you guys serious?" Jake said "Have at it dude!"

CC groaned and got Ashley's shaving cream and razor. Ashley just looked up not wanting to look at CC since this was awkward. CC was being very delicate and kept saying sorry every time he went over Ashley's skin with the razor. Ashley finally had to say "Tee-tee top tayeeg towwy .(CC stop saying sorry.)" CC said "Sorry." Jinxx said "Dude you said it again!" CC said "Well I'm trying to be careful and not cut him! My bad!" When CC was done Andy said "I'll do his armpits. Ashley you want me to completely shave it or get the scissors and just trim it?" Ashley thought [Andy would probably accidentally poke me in the armpit] and said "Hayf peed. (Shave please.)" After his shower was done and the nurses changed the bedding on his hospital bed the nurses said their goodbyes for the evening. Jake said "Ashley would you like me to shave your face before we put you back in your bed?" Ashley nodded and Jake wheeled him back to the bathroom. 

Jake grabbed the razor CC and Andy used in the shower and Ashley said "D'oh ot at uh! (No not that one!)" Jake said "Oops my bad. Hold on." he ran upstairs to Ashley's room and grabbed his electric one and ran back to the bathroom. After Jake was done he put Ashley's stuff back in his room while CC and Andy got Ashley back in his bed. Jinxx called out from the kitchen "So has anyone agreed on what they want me to  make for dinner?" Then the bickering between CC, Jake, and Andy about what to have for dinner began again.

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