I want my bass

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It was now Friday. Jake was helping Ashley practice making a fist. Jake said "Ok Ashley try to squeeze my hand as hard as you can."  and interlocked their fingers together. Ashley said "Tit it eard. (This is weird.)" Jake said "I know Ashley but we gotta practice so come on just do it It's fine." Ashley and Jake interlocked their fingers and Ashley squeezed his hands as hard as he could. Jake cheered him on "Come on Ashley! That's it! That's it! "You got it!" Ashley let go and smiled. Jake cheered "Ashley you did it! You squeezed my hands!" Andy, CC, and Jinxx came downstairs confused. Andy asked "What's with all the yelling?" Jake said excitedly "Ashley squeezed my hands! Ashley squeezed my hands!" Everyone started cheering. 

CC said "Wait! Wait! let me get a pen!" CC grabbed a pen and put it on the table and said "Ok Ashley, you think you can pick up this pen for me?" Ashley struggled a little but he managed to grab onto the pen. It fell a couple times  but he tried again. Finally he managed to grab it and pick it up. He got it lifted to his shoulder when he dropped it. He was disappointed until everyone started cheering. Andy said "You did it! You did it!" Jinxx said "We should celebrate! The nurses are gonna love this! What can I get you Ashley? Applesauce? Chocolate pudding? I'll even put some whipped cream on top!"

Ashley thought for a minute and smiled. He knew what he wanted. He said "I wat eye bate.(I want my bass.)" Everyone was confused. Jake asked "Your bass? Wouldn't that be kinda heavy?" Ashley said "I dote care. I ant eye bate. (I don't care. I want my bass.) Jinxx said "Well how about we put you back in your bed first? That way we can lean you back a little and have your bass rest against you so it's easier to hold? There's no way you're able to pick it up yet." Ashley nodded and said "Otay. (Ok.)"

Jake and Andy helped put Ashley back into his hospital bed while Jinxx went upstairs to grab one of Ashley's basses. Jinxx ran back down the stairs and asked "Oh Ashley does it matter which one?" Ashley shook his head no. Jinxx ran back up the stairs and grabbed his infamous porn bass and came back down the stairs and said "This one should make you happy." Jinxx put the strap over Ashley's shoulder and placed his bass in his lap leaning it against his chest. Ashley hugged his base and smiled. Ashley sighed happily and said "Ahhh my bate (Ahhh my bass.) 

The nurses showed up later that evening. Tina and Tanya were very proud of Ashley's accomplishment. Tanya said "Remember CC once Ashley gets his full dexterity back you'll have to go back to the notary to relinquish your title as power of attorney. CC sighed and said "Ya I know. It's almost bitter sweet." Ashley raised an eyebrow in confusion and thought [Why?] After the nurses left Ashley said " Hey teek, can I haf tat cock-o-let fudding wit whip keem dow? (Hey Jinxx, can I have that chocolate pudding with whipped cream now?) Jinxx said "Sure but after dinner. Did you say cock-o-let?" and started giggling. Ashley just rolled his eyes and said "Tut up teek. (Shut up Jinxx.)"

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