Chapter 1

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Sienna groaned as she felt a small contraction wrap around her womb. She gently rubbed it to soothe the pain as she took deep breaths.

"Hey babe, how are you doing" Levi asked as he climbed into bed with his heavily pregnant fiancé.

"Good," Sienna replied, "I just cannot believe I could-"she began before she was cut off by a contraction. Sienna winced in pain and rubbed her bump.

"Are you okay, did your labor start?" Levi asked worriedly.

"Yeah i'm-" Sienna groaned loudly as another contraction hit her, she tucked her chin in and was cradling her belly. "OMG babe, my water just broke!" Sienna said in a panic.

"Okay, okay, breathe!" Levi said as he rushed to help Sienna out of bed and guided her to her yoga ball. Then, Levi went to set up the birthing pool as they had decided to have a home birth to ensure Sienna was as comfortable as possible.

Sienna changed into a sports bra and some yoga pants. Both Levi and Sienna had climbed into the pool together, with Sienna sitting on Levi's lap. Sienna had started getting strong cramps in her abdomen and hips and was very uncomfortable. "You know, when I said that giving birth at home would be the best option, I was clearly delusional." Sienna said making Levi chuckle. Sienna grabbed Levi's hand as she felt a contraction coming, they were now about 6 or 7 minutes apart and were lasting 20 to 25 seconds. "I need to get out of this pool and move," Levi nodded and helped Sienna out of the pool, Levi let go of Sienna and ran to grab his phone. Sienna placed one of her hands on her knees trying to not fall to the ground.

"Babe, the baby dropped, that means he is coming!" Sienna's cramps were getting really bad and she needed to have someone help to put pressure, but she didn't want to ask. Levi came back and wrapped his arms around Sienna, she had her arms around his neck, and they were swaying left to right. Sienna tried to move a bit so that Levi's arms would be in the correct position to help with her cramps. Levi seemed to get the memo and moved his hands down. "AH! These contractions are getting really strong, " "How can I help," Levi asked. "My hips, squeeze my hips" Sienna croaked before she moaned loudly.  Levi squeezed Sienna hips and her body relaxed ever so slightly.

Sienna's contractions were now 5 minutes apart and she was squatting in the living room, grabbing Levi's hand for support. Levi slowly helped Sienna up, however, when she Sienna stood up. Her face twisted in pain, and she cradled her belly. "! AHHH, LEVI!" Sienna yelled as she threw her head back in discomfort. She would have fell to the floor if Levi had not caught her.  "I NEED TO PUSH BABE!" "Okay, deep breath" Levi said as he gently placed Sienna on the ground, she had one hand holding her belly and one hand on the floor. Sienna thrust her hips out and pushed.  30 minutes later, Sienna was still pushing but the baby was not coming. 

"Babe, I need to move, can you help me up please" Levi nodded and gently pulled Sienna up. Sienna slowly walked to the birthing pool and climbed in. A contraction wrapped itself around Sienna's pelvis and she groaned before she started pushing again. Levi climbed into the pool as well and started to press Sienna's hips. Sienna laid on her side as she continued to push. "Babe, I cannot push anymore." Sienna said, she was exhausted and had no energy left. Sienna and Levi sat up and Sienna placed her head on his shoulder as Levi rubbed her back. "Okay babe, take a break. Just breathe." 10 minutes later. Sienna's contractions were now 2 minutes apart. "Levi, I feel him coming, he is so low!" Sienna said as she laid back down on her back and pushed. This time, the baby's head emerged. "SIENNA, HIS HEAD IS OUT, KEEP GOING BABE!" Sienna took a deep breathe, let out a scream and pushed again. The baby's shoulders slipped out and the rest of his body soon followed.

"He is beautiful babe!" Levi said. Sienna nodded, admiring her newborn baby. "What should we call him?" Sienna said. "Kyle Emmet Lie"

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