Chapter 21

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Evie and Chase were watching tv when Evie started to get really painful contractions. She bit her lip so that she would not make a sound. Finally, she could not take the pain anymore and cried out in pain, clutching her stomach. Chase jumped up and asked her what was wrong. "Babe, i-i think I am in labour," Evie said. Chase nodded and helped Evie stand. "Where do you want to go?" Chase asked, wrapping his arms around Evie's waist. "The birthing pool please." They slowly walked up the stairs, and Evie felt a painful contraction while they walked up.  Chase placed Evie on the bed and went to set up the birthing pool.  While he was gone, Evie felt pressure build in her abdomen. She cried out and Chase rushed into the room. "Ev, are you okay? What's hurting?" Chase said.  "I think its my waters, there is so much pressure." Chase helped her stand, and they started walking around as Evie had read that that would help your waters pop. 

Ten minutes later and Evie's water still refused to go, she could not take the pressure anymore and her legs gave way and she fell into Chase's arms. "Ev, just push, that will make your waters pop." Evie gently pushed and her waters immediately popped. She moaned in relief and Chase helped her stand and brought her to the pool. Evie knelt in the pool with her head resting on the side of the pool. Her bum was in the air and she held Chase's hands for support. Her contractions got worse.  Her hips swayed in the water as another contraction rolled around.  Chase climbed into the pool with Evie and squeezed her hips. "Almost there, Ev, your contractions are five minutes apart." Evie took of her shirt and pants, leaving only her bra on. "Can you check my dilation?" Evie asked. Chase nodded and Evie rolled onto her back. Chase gently inserted two fingers into Evie's opening and her body tensed up. "Seven centimeters, Ev" "Can you help me stand," Evie said. Chase slowly picked her up and wrapped his arms around her waist. They swayed their hips as Evie moaned softly. Chase lifted Evie's thigh and pressed it against his waist, gently rubbing and squeezing her thigh. Evie leaned against Chase, and he used one hand to rub her thigh and one hand to rub her back. Evie had her hands around her bulging pregnant belly as she closed her eyes. A few minutes later, Evie experienced another contraction however this one hurt a lot more. She groaned and threw her head back. "Babe, I can't stand anymore." Evie said. Chase placed Evie leg down and she immediately squatted in the pool. Chase moved behind Evie and had his hands around her belly. 

Two hours went by, and Evie was still in labour. She had left the pool and was now squatting next to the sofa, holding on to the armrest for support. Her contractions were two minutes apart and lasting for about ninety seconds.  Chase offered to check her dilation and Evie agreed. she leaned against the sofa and spread her legs. However, when Chase was checking her dilation, Evie experienced a contraction. She yelled out in pain and told Chase to take his fingers out. Her hands tightly squeezing her belly. Chase immediately removed his fingers from her opening. "Count!" Evie croaked. Chase started to count from one. Evie knew when Chase reached ninety, her contraction will end. When her contraction ended, Evie breathed a sigh of relief. Fifteen minutes later, and Evie was in excruciating pain.  "Babe, I need to push!" Evie said as she squatted next to the sofa again and spread her legs open. Chase rushed over, "No no no, Ev, you are only nine centimeters dilated." Evie shook her head, she could not hold the baby in any longer. She bared down and pushed. Chase knew he could not do anything to stop Evie, he squatted across from her and held her hands. "AHHHH! BABY COME OUT PLEASE!" Evie yelled. 

Evie continued to push for the next hour, but the baby refused to crown. Evie moaned in exhaustion and fell into Chase's arms.  "I can't push anymore, babe." Evie said. Chase kissed her sweaty forehead and gave her some encouragement. "Do you want to stand, Ev, that might help." Chase suggested. Evie nodded her head and Chase helped her into a standing position.  Chase lifted Evie's leg again and Evie wrapped her arms around Chase's neck. Evie felt another contraction and pushed again. This time the baby actually moved down the birth canal.  A few pushes more and the head started to crown. Evie gasped; her opening was burning as the baby's head made its way out. "Pool, I need to pool," Evie said. Chase let go of Evie leg and she waddled to the pool. She squatted inside to pool, spreading her legs as wide as possible as Chase rubbed her back. "AHHHHHH OWWWWW AUGHHHHHH" Finally Evie pushed the baby's head out. She used her hands to support the head. She felt the shoulders coming out and immediately started pushing. Evie finally delivered the baby. She gave her newborn to Chase as she felt its twin coming out. Evie gave small pushes and the baby slid out on its own.

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