Chapter 14

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Millie was home alone when she felt stabbing pains in her stomach. She gently lifted her shirt as rubbed her belly. Millie was only 7 months pregnant but she looked full term as she was carrying twins. The twins were squirming alot and Millie assumed that was what caused the pain. However, when she felt the pain again, she immediately shot up. The pain was different from the one she normally felt. She dialed her husband's number and told him what was wrong. Her husband, Evan suggested she go to the hospital to see what was wrong. The got into the car snd put Evan on speaker phone. Unfortunately, Millie was stuck in heavy traffic and she had been there for about an hour. "Ohhhh, Evan, the pain are getting worse and worse and they are getting more frequent...ohhhh" "Millie just breathe, you will be in the hospital soon." Millie was stuck in traffic for another hour and the car was filled with her moans. "AHHHH! SHIT BABE, THERE IS SO MUCH PRESSURE!!!" "Wheres the pressure?"Evan asked, his voice full of panic. "MY STOMACH AND HIPS!" Evan could hear Millie grunting before swearing loudly. "Evan, my water broke! No no no no this cannot be happening. I am only 7 months pregnant! I am stuck in traffic and you not here! OHHHH GOD, BABE, HELP, I CAN'T DO THIS!" "Yes you can just breathe!"Evan instructed. "I NEED TO PUSH AUGHHH" Millie pushed as hard as she could and the head started to crown. The pain was unbearable and Millie punched the dashboard and screamed. Finally, the cars started to move. At the next red light, Millie pulled off her pants and delivered her baby. "Evan, I delivered the first baby..." "Okay, hang tight, if youneed to push, just push." "SHIT! I FEEL THE OTHER BABY'S HEAD AHHH" Millie yelled as she gritted her teeth and pushed. "THE HEAD IS OUT!" Just then the light turned green and Millie started driving as she pushed out the baby.

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