Chapter 17

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"Ohhhhh," Mia moaned into her pillow. Her contractions had started at 7 last night and it was now five in the morning. Mia's boyfriend, Derrek rubbing her back and giving her motivation. The couple had decided that when Mia hit transition in her labor, they would start driving to the hospital. Mia closed her eyes and swayed her hips; she rubbed her swollen nine-month pregnant belly while taking deep breaths. 

"Low sounds, sweetheart, low sounds will bring the baby out," Derrek said, "Babe, I need to move, please! I can't lie down anymore." Mia said, Derrek helped Mia out of bed, and they walked around the house. Walking around helped with the pressure in her hips but her contractions were progressing fast. Derrek had his arms wrapped around Mia's waist, helping her walk. Mia had one of her arms wrapped around Derrek, and one hand on her belly. Suddenly, Mia had a very painful contraction and this one knocked the wind out of her lungs. Mia yelled out in pain, her hand tightly clutching her belly, she removed her hand from Derrek's shoulder to clutch her belly. Mia could no longer move as the contractions got worse and closer together. Derrek gently lifted her shirt to rub her belly. "Babe, I think I hit transition, can we go to the hospital?" Mia said as the contractions stopped for a second. Derrek nodded and led Mia to the car. Just then, Mia doubled over as the contractions started again. The pain in her hips made her fall to her knees, crying out in agony. Derrek knelt in front of her and asked her what he could do to help. Kia's eyes were glued shut but she managed a hoarse whisper. "Squeeze my hips," Derrek quickly squeezed her hips together and she moaned in relief. Derrek then picked Mia up bridal style and led her to the car. The car ride to the hospital was full of Mia's moans and screams. When they reached the hospital, Mia's contractions four minutes apart. Derrek ran into the hospital, yelling "HELP, MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN LABOUR, HELP US PLEASE!" A female doctor and a nurse ran out. Derrek brought them to the car and they put Mia on a stretcher and brought her to a private ward. The doctor left shortly, and the nurse gave them the instructions. "Mia, if your water breaks, call me and I will check your dilation. Also, if you want to get into the birthing pool, that's fine too." The nurse left and Derrek rushed to Mia's side. "Babe, can I get into the pool please?" Mia said. "Of course, sweetheart, just slowly stand up." Mia slowly took off her shirt and leggings and Derrek took of his shirt. Derrek brought Mia to the pool, and she moaned in relief. Derrek climbed in as well and Mia sat on his lap and leaning on his chest. "AHHHH! BABE, HELP THERE IS SO MUCH PRESSURE!" Mia screamed. She had her hands on her vag!na and Derrek assumed where the pressure was. "Just breathe, sweetheart, deep breaths" "I need to stand!" Mia said as she fumbled to stand up. Derrek slowly picked her up. The moment Mia stood up, she threw her head back.  She moaned loudly and her knees gave way. Luckily, Derrek had his hands under her armpits and caught her in time. Suddenly Mia gasped, her water had just broke. They exited the pool and walked to the bed. Mia sat on the bed and Derrek called the nurse. The nurse inserted her fingers in Mia's vagina, and she tensed up. "Almost there, mama, you are already six centimeters dilated." 

The nurse left and Derrek sat on the bed Infront of Mia, she leaned onto him, and he helped her through her contractions. Two hours later, Mia's contractions were at an all-time high, Derrek could not even talk to her anymore.  Finally, Mia was ten centimeters dilated and could start pushing. The nurse entered and Mia laid on the bed. When the next contraction rolled around, she pushed hard. "AUGHHHH! BABE, HELP THIS HURT SO MUCH PLEASE! OWWWWWW, AHHHHH," The baby was finally born after Mia was in labor for 15 hours.

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