Chapter 2

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This chapter contains raping

Mel was laying in bed when a masked man walked in, he was pointing a gun at Mel. "If you want your baby alive, you listen"

Mel woke up in an apartment, as soon as she woke up the masked kidnapped stood up. He pressed his gun at Mel's pregant belly as he told her to get onto the bed. Mel listened and she slowly walked to the bed and climbed in. The masked kidnapper pulled of his mask and revealed his face. "Wayn?!" Wayn smiled wickedly as he said "you can't leave me out of my baby's life, Mel." He climbed on top of Mel as he yanked off her shirt and pulled off her leggings. He licked his lips as he pulled off his shirt and took of his pants, however Wayn pulled off his underwear as well leaving him naked.  Wayn layed on top of Mel kissing her compassionately. After a while, Wayn sat up as he spread Mel's legs, pulled off her underwear and thrust himself into her. Mel felt her stomach tighten and she immediately wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Wayn, please stop, the baby doesnt like it." Wayn shook his head and said "Until you moan for me, I will not stop." He pulled himself out and inserted on of his fingers into her opening. She screamed in pain as Wayn yelled "Moan! Moan for me!" Mel let out a small whimper and let herself moan. Wayn smiled and inserted another one of his fingers in. "Ohhhh, Wayn... I feel-"Mel said, before she felt a strong contraction wrap around her hips and screamed. She pushed in pain and felt a gush of fluids come out. Wayn grinned, "Perfect, I get to meet my baby today." Wayn went to wash his hands and when he came back, Mel was already feeling strong contractions five minutes apart. "Now lets have more fun before the baby comes." He shoved three of his fingers in and used his other hand to rub her belly. She screamed as Wayn's fingers where making it hurt more, her contractions were now two minutes apart and she felt the need to push. When Wayn felt the baby's head hit  his hand he removed his hand and told Mel to push.

Mel screamed as she pushed, and the baby's head came out. Mel moaned as she reached down to support her baby's head. She delivered her baby soon after. Wayn took the baby and left the room, when he heard Mel scream again he entered and saw Mel pushing and another babies head popped out. Mel moaned loudly rubbing her stomach, "I can't do this anymore, Wayn. Ohhhh, Ahhhh"  Wayn walked over and kissed her hand before she pushed again. The baby came out after two more pushes.

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