Chapter 11

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Sophie was woken up at 2 a.m. by a sharp pain in her stomach. She sucked in a breath but brushed it off as a braxton hicks contraction. However, she couldn't sleep after that as the pain kept returning. When her husband, Josh woke up, he offered to make breakfast for Sophie. After a while, Sophie slowly climbed out of bed and walked down the stairs. "Hey Soph, breakfast is ready!" Just as Sophie was about to reply, a contraction wrapped around her abdomen. She let out a yelp and clutched her stomach. Josh rushed over, "OMG are you okay? Is the baby coming? Was that a contraction?" "Babe, relax, it was a contraction but I have been getting these pains since 2, its fine." "Okay...if you say so..."Josh said as he guided Sophie to a chair. While she was eating Sophie felt 2 more contractions. "Babe, I think I should go lie down, the baby is moving a lot." Sophie stood up and started walking up the started walking up the stairs. Suddenly Sophie felt immense pressure in her stomach. She screamed and cupped her belly. Josh ran over just in time to witness Sophie's water breaking. Sophie moaned as the pressure subsided. "Okay, Soph, just breathe, come on you need to lie down."Josh said as he guided Sophie to the bedroom. Sophie laid on the bed as Josh set up the birthing pool. Sophie lifted up her swsatshirt and rubbed her belly. Her contactions were getting closer and lasting for 30 seconds each. "Ahhhh Ohhhh Owwww, babe, please come here!"Sophie said. Josh rushed over and kissed Aophie's forehead. "This hurts too much, I can't do this..." "Yes you can Soph, the pool is ready, do you want to get in?"Josh asked Sophie nodded and Josh lifted her up bridal style and placed her in the birthing pool.

Half an hour later and the baby still refused to come out. Sophie was on all fours in the pool and was screaming every 2 minutes when her contractions would come. Sophie took off all her clothes except for her bra. "Oh my goodness, babe, I feel the baby coming, AHHHH I NEED TO PUSH!!!"Sophie yelled, she laid on her back and spread her legs. Josh climbed into the pool and held Sophie in his arms. "Deep breath Soph, during your next contraction, push!" Sophie nooded and took a deep breathe in and out "Babe, I-I feel a c-contrACTION!" Josh instructed Sophie to push. Sophie tucked her chin in and pushed. She pushed for the next 4 contractions but the baby still didn't come out. She leaned onfo Josh, moaning and exhausted. "Babe, why isn't our baby here yet, I can't push anymore" "Be patient, Soph, she will come..." Finally, during the next contractions, Sophie pushed and the baby's head started to crown. Sophie pushed the baby's head out and moaned. She continued to push and the baby came outcwithout any complications. "Thats one down, Soph, one more baby to go!" Josh led Sophie out of the pool as she decided to deliver the other baby on the bed. Sophie had her head proped up a pillow and pushed. The baby came out much quicker than the other baby.

However, an hour after that, Sophie started to get cramps. Really bad cramps. As she was walking to the bathroom, she dropped to her knees and screamed in agony. She had the unresistable urge to push and she followed her instincts and bared down. Josh heard Sophie's screams and rushed upstairs. He saw blood trickling down Sophie's leg. "SOPH! YOU ARE BLEEDING!" "I AM GIVING BIRTH YOU DUMBASS! PULL MY PANTS DOWN!"Sophie yelled as she pushed the head out. Josh quickly removed Sophie's pants and underwear and held her hand as she pushed. "This husts so much more than when I had the twins!" Sophie said. "Come on Soph, you got this almost there. " Sophie pushed and the baby slid out.

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