Chapter 16

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Olivia was running from her crazy ex-boyfriend when something crazy happened.

Olivia's crazy ex-boyfriend, David was chasing her down, forcing her to marry him. Olivia quickly ran into a girl's bathroom and into one of the stalls to try and hide from David. Olivia squatted onto the toilet so that David could not see her feet under the stall. Suddenly, Olivia started to get crazy bad cramps at the base of her stomach. She clutched her belly in pain as she tried not to make a sound. Just then, David came into the toilet, Olivia's cramps were becoming so bad that she used both her hands to press hard on her stomach. Her nails dug into her skin causing the baby to move around and kick.

When David left, Olivia slid off the toilet and onto her hands and knees moaning loudly. She lifted up her shirt to rub her swollen and bulging belly. Olivia was nine months pregnant, and she was pretty sure that she was in active labor. Olivia pushed herself off the floor but just as she stood up, she started feeling immense pressure in her belly. Olivia cried out in agony as she cupped her belly. Her legs shook and she fell to the floor again. Olivia felt the instinct to push, and she tucked her chin in and bared down. Olivia felt a sudden relief and saw that her waters had broke. She frantically pulled off her pants as the urge to push washed over her. "Baby, please wait a little longer, OHHHHH AHHHHH." Olivia threw her head as she continued to moan in pain.

Unfortunately, David had heard Olivia's moans and cries and went into the toilet again. David looked under the stall and saw Olivia kneeling on the ground, with her pants off, clutching her belly as hard as she could and was bleeding. He started banging on the door "OLIVIA! LET ME IN PLEASE, I KNOW YOU ARE IN LABOUR. YOU ARE BLEEDING, LET ME HELP YOU!" Olivia slowly unlocked the door and David rushed into the stall. David picked Olivia up bridal style and brought her out of the stall. Suddenly, David heard a pop and fluids started gushing out. He looked down and saw that Olivia had pushed the baby's head out. David swore as he placed Olivia gently on the floor. He rubbed her belly and told her to push. "AHHHH! GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME! OHHHHH AHHHHH OWWWW AUGHHHHHHHHH!" Olivia bared down and pushed with all her might. She finally delivered a healthy baby girl.

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