Chapter 18

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Cassie was seven months pregnant and still attending high school. Suprisingly she had hid her pregnancy from her classmates and they all thought that she had just been gaining weight. However, during science class, Cassie started to get bad cramps in her stomach. Her boyfriend,  Chris was sitting next to her and she grabbed his arm. "Babe, I am getting really bad cramps,"Cassie whispered. Chris looked worried and told her to go to the bathroom, maybe she was just constipated. Cassie asked if he could come with her and he nodded. They quietly slipped out of the classroom.  They finally reached the bathroom and Cassie's cramps were getting worse. She leaned onto the wall, moaning in pain. Cassie lifted up her hoodie and saw that her belly was swollen. Chris gently rubbed her belly. Cassie suddenly felt pressure in her abdomen and she fell on her hands and knees. She gritted her teeth and bared down, pushing hard. They heard a pop and Cassie moaned in relief. She looked down and saw that her water had broke. Cassie started to panic. No no no, I cannot deliver here! But it was too late, Cassie already started  to feel contractions and she felt the baby drop. Chris knelt infront of her and rubbed her back. "Let me get the school nurse," Chris said but Cassie shook her head. "Please stay," she croaked. Chris pulled Cassie up and wrapped his hands around her waist. A mere five minutes later, Cassie started to push. "GAHHHHH! OHHHHH GOD, THIS HURTS! AHHHHHHH" 

The bathroom was filled with Cassie's moans. She suddenly screamed. "Shit, babe, the baby's head is in my pants!" She rushed to pull off her pants and underwear. Cassie arched her back and continued to moan. Finally she pushed out the baby. "Babe, how are we supposed to cut the cord?" Cassie asked, Chris went back into the classroom to take a pair of scissors. While he was gone, she suddenly felt her contractions start again. "Ohhhhhh, shit, babe please hurry back AUGHHHHH" Cassie screamed as her second baby slipped out. Chris came back to see that Cassie had delivered twins. He cut their cords and wrapped them in his jacket.

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