Chapter 19

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"Chase, can you rub my back, it's been hurting really badly," Evie said. Chase sprinted over, he had been on high alert since Evie got pregnant. He sat on the sofa next to Evie and rubbed her back. After a while, Evie asked, "Babe, can we please have s3x? I keep thinking about it!" Chase shook his head, "Sorry, Evie but we cannot risk hurting the baby." "Please, we will be super careful, please!" Finally, Chase gave in. They went up to the master bedroom. They sat on the bed and started kissing each other affectionally. Evie unbuttoned Chase's shirt and yanked it off. Chase then took off Evie's shirt and pants, leaving only her bra and underwear. Evie wrapped her legs around Chase's waist and Chase pulled her close.  Chase rubbed Evie's bulging belly causing her to moan. They stood up while still kissing each other passionately. Evie pushed Chase against the wall. Chase then lifted Evie's leg and pressed it against his hip and gently squeezed her thigh. He pulled off Evie's underwear and bra, leaving her completely naked. Evie smiled and pulled off Chase's pants.  After an hour, Chase started to pull away. "Evie, are you okay, I can feel your stomach tightening and you are tensing up..." "I am fine, I am just feeling some cramps in my abdomen." "Do you want to get into the birthing pool? It always helps with your cramps," Chase said, Evie nodded and Chase left to set up the pool. Evie rubbed her belly and said, "Calm down baby, don't come now please!"

Evie climbed into the pool with Chase and he rubbed her back. The baby was very active and kept kicking Evie, she sucked in a breath and rubbed her belly. "Ohhhhhhh, baby, please stop kicking, it hurts so much more when you kick!"Evie said to her belly. Chase sat across from Evie and asked her where the baby were kicking. Evie placed her hand on the base of her belly and Chase placed his hand there. The baby stopped kicking and Evie got a few seconds or relief. However, her contractions were now 3 minutes apart and were lasting about a whole minute. She gritted her teeth as she felt another contraction coming. Evie yelled out in pain and Chase moved closer to her and rubbed her back. "How long are your contractions?"Chase said. "A minute," Evie said through gritted teeth.  Just as Evie's contraction ended, she felt pressure building in her abdomen. The pressure kept getting worse and worse. Evie gasped and closed her eyes. She screamed and started shaking as the pain got unbearable. She felt her chest tightening as her eyes flew open and she gasped for air. Chase started to panic, Evie was having a panic attack, he instructed her to breathe and held her twitching hands. "I-I can't, babe, it hurts!" Evie said, still gasping for air. Chase rubbed her belly and said, "Ev, take a deep breath in and out please, you need to breathe, for our baby." Evie tried but she could not breathe. Her vision started to turn blurry and she started blacking out. Chase leaned in and kissed Evie, she forgot about the pain and finally took a deep breath through her nose. Chase pulled away and the pained returned. "Ev, breathe, in, out, deep breath." Evie took a deep breath and finally the pressure went away. She looked down and saw that her waters broke. Chase wrapped her in a hug and said, "Don't you ever do that again, don't scare me like that, Ev" Evie nodded. However, they had a different problem, now that her waters had broke it meant Evie was in active labour at 1 am in the morning.

Her labour continued. Evie left the pool and now was walking around the bedroom. It had been two hours since her waters broke and she was dying to find out if she could start pushing. She laid on the bed and asked Chase to check her dilation. He gently inserted his fingers and Evie tensed up. Chase rubbed her leg and told her she was ten centermeters dilated. "Ev, you can push when you feel the urge to push," Chase held Evie hand and rubbed her back. She felt her next contraction coming and felt the urge to push. She tucked her chin in and bared down. Pushing as hard as she could. Five pushes later, the head started to crown. "AH! SHIT THE HEAD IS CROWNING!" "You are doing great, Ev, push!" Evie pushed again and the head came out with a lot of different fluids. The shoulders started to come out and Evie finally delivered her baby.

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