Chapter 22

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Fiona was running errands when she started to get strong contractions. She was browsing through some groceries and the baby was kicking. Fiona slowly rubbed her belly trying to calm the baby down. However, Fiona felt pressure building in her abdomen. She used one hand to lightly press on the base of her budging belly. "Baby, please wait a while please," Fiona said. She tried to quickly wrap up her shopping but before she reached the cashier, she felt the intense urge to push. Fiona rushed into the toilet in the supermarket but all the stalls were locked. She leaned against the wall, moaning. The urge to just drop to the floor, spread her legs and push her baby out was so hard to resist. Fiona clutched her belly still moaning loudly.  Just then, Fiona's ex-boyfriend, Richard was her. Richard ran towards Fiona, asking her what was wrong. "Contraction, I-I think I'm in labour..."Fiona stammered. "Okay, come on, let me bring you to my car, I am a doctor and I have delivery kits in my car." Richard said. He wrapped his arms around Fiona's waist. They slowly walked towards Richard's car, however, halfway there, Fiona felt pressure building in her abdomen. She cried out in pain and her legs buckled. She clinged onto Richards's arm, moaning loudly. "Richard...I can't move anymore, there is so much pressure!" Richard slowly picked Fiona up and speed walked to the car.  Just before Richard reached the car, he felt water dripping down his arm. He saw that Fiona's water had broke. He gently placed her in the back seat of the car. "Just push, sweetheart, let your water break fully," Richard said as he ran to get a delivery kit from his trunk. Fiona nodded and bared down gently, her waters burst and amniotic fluid gathered in a puddle beneath her. She felt her baby's head right at her opening, about to fall out. She placed a hand over her vagina and resisted the urge to push. Richard came back with a delivery kit in his hand and asked if the baby was crowning. Fiona shook her head but did not tell him that she was trying her best not to push.

Fifteen minutes later, and Fiona was in intense pain. She had been resisting the urge to push since her waters broke but she could not hold her baby in anymore. She felt her baby slowly crowning and she felt her opening burn as it stretched around the baby's head. "Richard, can you get me a bottle of water from the store please," Fiona said. Richard looked confused but agreed. Fiona waited until Richard was out of sight before closing the car door and finally letting out a scream. By now, the entire head was almost out of Fiona. She was a budge at her crotch and slowly pushed the baby's head back into her opening. She was shaking as the pain became unbearable. The urge to push continued but Fiona ignored it. When Richard was about to reach the car, Fiona felt the baby coming out again, she tried pushing it back into her vagina once again, but Richard saw what she was doing. HE ran over and opened the door. He grabbed her hand s to stop her from pushing the head back in. "Fiona, don't do that. Let your baby come out, you have to give birth, there is nothing you can do to stop it." Richard said. "I'm scared," Fiona said. Richard wrapped her in a hug and comforted her. "Don't be sweetheart, I'm here," Fiona was about to reply when she felt her opening burning again. This time she let herself scream out. Richard quickly removed her pants and underwear just in time to see the baby's head emerge. It came out fully with a pop. Fiona started to push the rest of the baby out and Richard caught him in his arms. He cut the cord and handed Fiona her newborn son. HE planted a kiss on her forehead before saying. "Fiona, I love you so much, I know this is my child, let me be part of his life," Richard said. Fiona slowly nodded and they got back together. Richard kissed Fiona again, this time on the lips.

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